In complacence we offer obeisance

In offhand complacence
with little forethought
we offer obeisance
as we yield distraught

Got no appetite for fuming
in righteous indignation
just looking busy consuming
away in resignation

In successive fits of ‘sloptimism’
we pretend: What’s wrong with escapism?

‘sloptimism’ = (by license) wishful sloppy ‘thinking’; groundless optimism


“Why”, anxious cattle bleat, “must we be your supply of meat?

“More ribs cooking on U.S. grills as meat supply increases” 5/28/18 news in our hometown paper. Wow, what a feat!

Quite the welcome feat
Americans love ribs:
More supply of meat
smoking hot, we’ve got dibs!

Short lived cattle anxiously bleat
Soon resting in their burial place
which for them, our supply of meat,
is our insatiable stomach space

Cattle’s plight? Why does that matter?
Just pile more grilled on our platter!

Go away, go score in the shopping aisle!

The entitled Power Elite
blocks us political hobbyists
so they grab more (rarely replete)
Can’t have us impede their lobbyists!

Power Elite schemes ambitiously
locks us in insecurity
Subjugating us perniciously
in childish immaturity

Greased by our own denial
their put-on smiles beaming:
“Go score in the shopping aisle
keep chasing stuff gleaming!”

lobbyists = here: those professional ones hired by the power elite

In popcorn forlorn

All day yesterday
felt drained, disaffected
mind in disarray
oddly disconnected

Couldn’t tap into the lode
few emotions stirred
weak words trickled, few flowed
blah images blurred

Thoughts hazy
fading away
Mind lazy
scattered astray

Gave myself the nod
in poor mind fogged
to stuff my old bod
calories logged

Traipsing on Craving’s cloying stage
a nauseous place at any age

Plastics in oceans, in fish, then in your dinner dish

Injustices to redress … yeah, but we’d rather digress

In this fading world blighted

mired in rapacity
would attempt get it righted
be just audacity?

What if human lives go awry
because burdens be lightened?
Ain’t humanity getting by
despite it’s unenlightened?

Grab instead for distraction
as pastime gleaming stuff
easier than take action
which seems risky & rough

So keep smiling hoping to impress
in a dapper suit or low-cut dress

‘Shelf stable’ cream

Here’s a gripping tale non-dripping
of hermetically sealed
tight container of cream whipping
with the longest lasting yield

A packaged whipping cream
truly ‘shelf stable’
long the hostess’ dream
for the smart table!

But won’t stabilize a wobbly shelf
Repeatedly tried and failed myself

-‘shelf stable’ = (marketing lingo) the cream stays fresh for a few months in an unopened container outside the refrigerator – while the package is useless for stabilizing a wobbly shelf



Goosery of Greed

Waiting in line at the bank
Pompous Temple of Usury
Floor marbled, breathing air dank
smells like a Goosery of Greed

Manager supercilious
tellers aptly pedantic
Banks prudently punctilious
ambience un-Vedantic

Of Money too easily sycophantic
as urge for earthly riches turns us frantic