Bounces his heart’s ballet

He’s dreaming of her green eyes
the ways she’s lovable
in sobriety’s kind highs:
Alluring, huggable

She’s the vivacious bouquet
that bounces his heart’s ballet

The intensity of her propensity

Her pure propensity
jams speedometer needle
in floored intensity
unaware of her wheedle

To-do list incompressible
flashes iridescently
in manner irrepressible
complies acquiescently

Locked-on she performs
stirring up dust storms

Her comportment audacious
in peak pursuit tenacious

From first until last glance

You’re loving effulgence
in Life’s wondrous dance
abounding indulgence
of sweet happenstance

You’re my life’s five star menu
served up in senescence
For me wobbly the venue
outside your dear presence

From  our youthful romance
until, soon, our last glance

Hugely unusual: Seconds passed unused

Imagine my surprise finding Joyce just standing there without doing anything:

An eerily uncommon sight
a state ghostly, ignoble
like forgetting lines in stage fright
Joyce found herself immobile:

Once flustered face paling ashen
of all direction confused
never before been her fashion
to let seconds pass unused

Aptly portrays the frozen mime
of biblical ‘Ruth-to-salt’:
“Oh my G-d, this can’t be but I’m
turned to pillar by default!”

Most bitter pill to swallow
a solid day turned hollow …

-Joyce = my wife
-Ruth = Lot’s wife who turned a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26)


Much butter now, thanks! Udderly reductive!

Joyce’s doctor advised her to stay off dairy. She stayed off cheese and milk but as she loves butter she expeditiously declared butter a ‘non-dairy’ product:

Her bright new world discounts science
as too stodgy a reliance

With single-mindedness utter
Joyce declares it non-dairy
and goes on indulging butter
Handy to let facts vary

Thanks, Non-Dairy Cow
all much butter now!

Pose of Rose

There! The thud on the porch
paper is brought in by Rose!
It lights her morning’s torch
settling in reading repose

The pose of her nose close
leaning in perfect adjure
reading in morning’s throes
absent acclaim or abjure

Every page she’s scouring
all news vacuumin’
All newsprint devouring
unmatched acumen

As long as it is all prose
it grabs the affection
of our ’suction cup nose’ Rose
Except the sports section


Morning routine

Radiating heater glowing
nearly grilling Joyce’s butt
Internet fun & jolts flowing
lifts her out of morning rut

She’s cozying up in her ‘cave’
Reads emails of rants & raves
Her clients’ situations grave
and she be the one who saves

But not for long in tether
so to stay strong & trim
she’s braving ‘Arctic’ weather
heading soon for the gym

A raw deal

When my spouse was enthusiastically on a raw food diet:


After peeling
with feeling
not done chopping
til dropping

Yes! resoundingly to: drying
No! abhorrently to: frying

Raised overhead her clenched paw
when serves another meal
Joyce to the world: “All go raw!”
She’s got you a raw deal!

-go raw = here: a raw, i.e. uncooked diet

My beloved wife, a.k.a. indoor racer

On winged feet our ‘indoor racer’
with wild hair flowing, flying
trajects like gun fireworks tracer
eternally she’s plying

Upwardly, leveling stairs
utensils clattering
all with efficiency’s airs
Bystanders scattering

Smoothly she slides round corners
‘smartphonely’ connected
Past cowering bench warmers
on short cuts perfected

-bench warmers = among those her slacker husband