Glad to Have You Home

A Limerick on the occasion of Conner, a grandson, returning home to Sunset Hill in Seattle after serving as a paratrooper with the IDF.

There was a young man from Sunset Hill
with many talents & of strong will

As a paratrooper Conner
served IDF with honor

For now, I suspect, he’s had his fill

IDF: Israeli Defense Forces

Straight A:s

On the occasion when granddaughter Sarah, a high school junior, earned straight A:s


There was this sharp determined student named Sarah
who ushered in a new academic era

Earned straight A:s by her own volition
wouldn’t follow family tradition

that until now of scholars dry as Sahara


Den som finner dagen hanterlig
är visst en person reputerlig

som ej skjuter från höften
mens håller sina löften

en som kan kallas rekorderlig