Av oss själva representativa

Med dem väl litet bevänt
bortsett från uselhet
lögnaktiga, dekadent
i all slags vidrighet

Så hur att förvänta
att makthavarna galna
så grymma, valhänta
skall snart frivilligt falna?

När det bolmar i sågspånen
från de i rännstenen i ruset
till den förflackade fånen
som velar runt i Vita Huset:

Självuppfyllda å manipulativa
Av oss själva så representativa!

By distraction into instant action

When a car drives by
Diminutive Doggie
gives instant chase. Why?
Due to thinking foggy

Feels compelled to chase
she runs off & away
with more grit than grace
looks not much like ballet

While chases with plenty pluck
stirring up dusty buzz
still hasn’t caught a car or truck
And if she ever does:

here we pose a stupendous stumper
would she lick or bite the rear bumper?

Global warming not some day. Yesterday.

Global warming

Global warming

A bike dealer who mentions global warming may indeed be guilty of the same self serving cheap promotion as the car dealership, which flies an over sized American flag or the politician who presumes to speak for ‘all hardworking folks’.

Be this as it may, the earth is “on the verge of disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control, causing mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

James Hansen, the chief climate scientist at NASA, returned to Capitol Hill in June, on the twentieth anniversary of his 1988 testimony, to indeed warn that the earth is on the verge of “disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control,” causing “mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

Obviously no amount of bicycling shall reverse or by itself significantly slow the spiraling.

Nothing shall. Short of perhaps radical life style changes right now, which clearly ain’t happening.

But for all its horror I’d personally rather know than living in denial of my own betrayal of future generations. Being only one of some 7 billions humans cannot lessen my complicity. I have sadly done nothing beyond mildly inconveniencing myself regarding arguably the greatest calamity that can possibly face life on planet Earth.

Svaga i striden mot den dolska Coviden

Tragiskt att rasar striden
mer oss mänskor sinsemellan
än mot dolska Coviden
Hur fasansfull nu baksmällan!

Svag uppoffring i samtiden
mot Farsoten förslagen
Nästa släktled av framtiden
blivit skändligt bedragen

Men oss fega törs ej att agera
förrän ingenting kvar att riskera!



Averting our empty eyes

Q: “Why are you not putting on a mask?”
A: “I’m not culpable for your health
I’m self-reliant, so do not ask
also won’t be blamed for my wealth!”

If this is how some of us are
how did we stray so deep & far?

Q: “Still thinking we’re better than this?”
A: “We’re no effete Swedes or feeble French
so, World, come give U.S. a kiss!”
(albeit amidst conceited stench)

Thus we keep up the narrative:
Pretending to empathize
high-handed & declarative
averting our empty eyes

Masklessness leaves the Covid threat cowardly vague
while masked have we not faced that we’re all in a plague?