Debased but seemingly not shamefaced?

No help for victims civilian
by ‘defense’ budgets of a trillion
while The E.U.: crocodilian
NATO: East crawling reptilian

Ever darker clouds race
beyond Humanity’s whims:
letting our lives debase
hope for planet’s future dims

… as we indulge free reins
for hate filled hearts & brains

Empire emptied of empathy

Sounds so demoralizing
her verbal ritual
Weighed down immobilizing
her yack perpetual

Her dear husband enlisted
for reasons simplistic
Their lives by Empire twisted
yet feel chauvinistic

They’re human raw material
to fill its hapless legions
on harsh campaigns Imperial
in to remotest regions

And so the War Machine
gobbles up recruits
Some eager to convene
to look sharp, salute

Empire’s goals & pursuits obscene
its glamor proves cosmetic:
To search out, destroy or demean
in violence frenetic

Carrying out command: ‘Fire!’
sets in motion outcome dire:
Blow back predictably


In these hyper connected times

Smart phone! Don’t we all need one
so we can be ‘with’ someone?

Aren’t we idling in the wings
until phone imposes
listlessly until it rings
then all else forecloses?

In hyper connected times
everywhere a free zone
where lights up & crisply chimes
our exacting smart phone

Long since when that sweet time when dialog was two
now it often takes a three- or foursome to coo

three- or foursome = 2 persons + 1 or 2 smartphones involved


Achieving the American Dream just by staying in the slipstream?

Crisp days freshly dawn
hold hope of perfection
But by dusk forlorn
faded in dejection

Takes guts & strength of mind
never just by fingers’ snap
Sounds like same old tired grind
as joy doesn’t sit on our lap

So if we think it can be achieved
by just staying in the slipstream
we’re allowing us to be deceived
lost in that American Dream

where we’re entitled to score
while putting in less, not more

Panem et circenses

Refuse defenses
of both ‘panem’
& of ‘circenses’
best just ban’em

They provide spurious easement
distracting entertainment
mere superficial appeasement
in consumer containment

Such ‘adults’ in shorts:
keep celeb name-dropping
shopping, watching sports
snacks with extra topping

Won’t achieve Reality attainment
watching commercials & infotainment

A baby calf’s life they cruelly steal so we may enjoy a meal. Bon appetite, anyone?

Eating a tender ‘veal’ meal
brought to dinner table
with ugly, hardhearted zeal
Here’s goes the non-fable:

Cruelty we’re mislabeling
yes, how a calf becomes veal
This is what we are enabling
it’s a once in lifetime steal

He suffers alone the forlorn calf
put in dark bin to become ‘veal’
on pitiless meat eaters behalf
all his hoped-for joy they would steal

After months in the dark
posture hard to be shifted
calf cannot even walk
so weak he must be lifted

Then drawing his last breath
from Hell’s lonely bane
liberated by Death
from the gruesome pain

“My eating cheese, drinking milk
did not kill the milked cow!”
Well, you of indulgent ilk
it does, here’s when & how:

A milked out cow suffers five years
when slaughter ends her life in fears