Life’s true bestowment: The fleeting moment

Finally, at long last
done with my past unfolding
slammed the door shut, steadfast
without regret or scolding

For the wizened dawdler
is not life’s true bestowment
as for the rushed twaddler
peace of mind in the moment?

When focusing on a worthwhile current chore
we may find peace now & the next twenty-four

twenty-four = 24 hours

Brightly beckons integrity

With each & every breath
we are descending
the very stairs to death
for me impending

My erstwhile sensory clarity
in old age has begun shading
still beckons brightly integrity
while my mind & body fading

While integrity, that ever upright bouquet,
an aspiration that shall never wilt away

Here kids: Whatever is left is all yours to deplete!

Here kids: The planet Earth
long time now since was replete
Circles, rotates in dearth
with you while fully deplete

Wondering if ours were plain theft
draining the planet hollow?
No, no, no need to feel bereft!
Just carry on! Go wallow!

Simply the generational dance
Earth ain’t wholly overheated
Have faith in ‘techno fixes’ perchance
who says you are being cheated?

Kids, keep up the winning same
piling profits by extraction
Self indulgence brings no shame
just tune out, hide in distraction!

What if It had proved ‘profound’?

‘Insight’ bolts out from under a bush
like a hare, catching it too hard!
Unfazed it jumps, twists in frantic rush
baffling the long suffering ‘bard’

Couldn’t write it down, lost in a flash
what if it had been ‘profound’?
Might it beyond fevered dreams rash
have impacted with resound?

But then how likely a deep loss to Humankind
something springing from a mere versifier’s mind?

As we grow older high time to grow bolder

Life’s narrowing path now turns steeper
our strides shorter on feet colder
Glimpsing the shadow of The Reaper
we turn, in vain, the cold shoulder

Our breath wheezing & shallow
gotten deaf to light sounds
Ages since we were callow
though still may act like clowns

While as our ego-driven selves fade
we’re freed up from the urge to persuade

Ravaged planet turns Humanity’s hearse

Am writing here yet another verse
of life languished in delusion
In pretense putrid, pallid & terse
persevered in cold collusion

Make no waves, to go & get along
in narrow self absorbed living
Life squandered for a trinket or song
while pretending no misgiving

Earth’s habitat, turned inside out purse
our children’s lives cannot get worse
Planet becomes Humanity’s hearse
they’ll perish in wailing & curse

they’ll perish in wailing & curse.

Lounging in inanity or daring redeem humanity?

Your demands way gratuitous
so won’t change our behavior!
So ain’t it just fortuitous
Hi-Tech shall be our Savior!

Our likes are inviolable
so let change happen ‘out there’!
Our habits not abdicable
thus change cannot happen ‘here’!

We don’t care if action may redeem humanity
distracted we’ve lost traction mired in inanity

but fleetingly we stand on Life’s precarious stage

Why let days blur by in caprice
like, glimpsed through train windows, power poles?
There’s only in the moment peace
for our harried hearts & arid souls

Whether dawns again the morrow
or fades yet another day
lets relish joy amidst sorrow
Or tell me another way?

I’d maintain living in The Moment
is Humanity’s best bestowment …