Dereliction drastic: Buying stuff in plastic

Convenient in the moment
to buy what’s sold in plastic
but no peace of mind bestowment
as dereliction drastic:

Pernicious plastic everywhere
in human, flora & fauna cells
in groceries, crops, soil & air
in oceans, lakes, streams & water wells

So kids, shall not be solved by smile
or in cute selfies implore
To be saved from a future vile
won’t work trying to ignore

Parents who do not want to change
is an intransigent force
who shall continue to derange
while say they love you of course

But as their conscience is elastic
their engagement be at best spastic

Debased but seemingly not shamefaced?

No help for victims civilian
by ‘defense’ budgets of a trillion
while The E.U.: crocodilian
NATO: East crawling reptilian

Ever darker clouds race
beyond Humanity’s whims:
letting our lives debase
hope for planet’s future dims

… as we indulge free reins
for hate filled hearts & brains

Leeringly looting Lithiumania

What we all must bar
promptly, and here is why:
the electric car
due matter of supply

Frenzied Lithium mania
allowed us be led astray:
Looting Lithiumania
we just got carried away

We just can’t escape monomania
as part of our megalomania

-Lithium = a crucial metal, that must be mined, for electric vehicle batteries
-Lithiumania = here: a fantasized country with rich Lithium mines

The wonder here & yonder

As we watch the sky
beyond the crowds
wonder how & why
the racing clouds

In ceaseless encore
the ocean waves
keep crashing onshore
to rousing raves

The horizon
edges the ocean
no surprise in
nature made motion

O, the wonder
here & yonder

Pending collapse as if in time-lapse

Must be the fossil fuel
or the biggest banks!
Those from ivy league school
in government’s ranks!

We seldom seem nonplussed
that is never caused by ‘us’
Of course would’ve been unjust
as too busy to discuss

Still makes ‘us innocent victims’ fume
when we’re trying so hard to consume

Denying Pterogod

“It didn’t take long for researchers examining the tiny sea snails to see something amiss. The surface of some of their thin outer shells looked as if they had been etched by a solvent. Others were deeply pitted and pocked. These translucent sea butterflies known as pteropods, which provide food for salmon, herring and other fish, hadn’t been burned in some horrific lab accident. They were being eaten away by the Pacific Ocean. Scientists have documented that souring seas caused by carbon dioxide emissions are dissolving pteropods in the wild right now along the U.S. West Coast. That is damaging a potentially important link in the marine food web far sooner than expected.”
– Seattle Times, April, 2014:

As long as us humans are ‘evolving’
so what if other ones are dissolving?

Generational abdication
by humans turned the crisp ocean
through acute acidification
into soup of toxic potion

The mollusk pteropod
in translucent shell
now by CO2 flawed
Chimes food chain’s death knell

No longer just a notion
effects ubiquitous
No longer mere slow motion
collapse precipitous

By humans running roughshod
the shells now pocked, softened
of the hapless Gastropod
Grandkids’ future coffined

By killing the pteropod
we’re denying Pterogod

-gastropod = mollusk comprising the snails, whelks, slugs, etc.
-mollusk = a large group of animals (such as snails and clams) twho live in a shell
-pteropod = a small mollusk with winglike extensions for swimming
-‘Pterogod’ = (by license) that of God in Everyone and Everything

The ‘blank check’ lenience we allow for our own convenience

We ignore stentorian warning:
Planetary life keeps crumbling
in depletion, pollution, warming
met by our evasive mumbling

We equivocate & grumble
just own convenience is heeded
Glaciers melt & earthquakes rumble
not taking steps urgently needed

Our children & theirs shall pay the price
if we won’t change habits, they’re doomed:
As rivers drain, temperatures rise
ending them too early entombed

But for us, for now, a small price to pay
for enjoying the American Way?