We clinched Oblivion!

Ending endless wars the sine qua non
for the reining in of the Pentagon

Still we’ll perish in climate collapse
part of the Sixth Mass Extinction
Even if changing as in time-lapse
won’t forestall Species’ eviction

We warred & consumed at our best
clinched Oblivion for the rest!

-sine qua non = a prerequisite
-Sixth (Great) Mass Extinction = In the last half-billion years, life on Earth has been nearly wiped out five times. The planet is now entering the Sixth. Let’s give ourselves a strong hand!
-time-lapse = done by means of time-lapse photography

Nature shall romp in mirth!

Could have had solidarity
rather than indignity
engaged in jocularity
rather than malignity

Our Species is lost in denial
thinking we alone in control
but shows us up as suicidal
when created our own sinkhole

But Humans falling extinct
shall rejuvenate Earth
summed up here in phrase succinct:
Nature shall romp in mirth!

The sailor’s jailer

Below blown sea fowl
ship with ardor
tossed in storm’s howl
steers for harbor

Of shelter beseeching
to dock in snug port
though shore leave but fleeting
if crew doesn’t comport

So here’s your lonely life, sailor!
The open ocean: Your jailer!


Don’t act deranged! What Climate Change?!

Winter rages bleak & cold
then merely click ‘unfriend’!
For Spring soon to burgeon bold
just click ‘like’ to impend!

Climate change talk we won’t brook
cannot by hoodwinked eye be seen
It lacks button on Facebook
anywhere in front of our screen!

What’s Fantasy and what’s Reality
long since blurred in Mainstream Media
Drenched in torrents of triviality
by enablers of Acedia

Unbeknownst benighted
watch us grin shortsighted

-acedia = not caring or not being concerned with one’s position or condition in the world

Disgrace of the Human Race

Can one but be a disgrace

(surely impossible!)
if part of the Human Race?
Would seem implausible!

Now what eclipses evil
ever since times primeval:

We’re soiling our only nest
til unhabitable
in shortsighted selfish quest.
Once unfathomable!

Grass greener but the dog meaner?

While the grass is thought to be greener
on the other side of the fence
the barking dog there may be meaner
How do such fantasies make sense?

The Human Race is in dire distress
because we constantly want more
Always way too willing to aggress
so we can further up our score

Mired in constant complaint
as we know not constraint

Consumer choice!

With valiant perseverance
in one united voice:
“We brook no interference
with Consumer Choice!

We march blindly in lockstep
while anger & planet smolder
We prattle, whine, chase & schlepp
Cassandras get the cold shoulder

Sillily we’re beaming
unbeknownst benighted

Cassandra = one who warns in vain then subsequently proved right

Past images coming to mind, or not

When munching on bread:

Flowing fields windswept
the rustling grain
soggily it wept
in bursting rain

When sipping coffee:

In heat shimmering
ripe the red beans
glowing glimmering
on hillside greens

When walking on a wood floor:

Stately tall the trees
branches sweeping the sky
swaying in brisk breeze
reaching where eagles fly

While when looking in the mirror:

My old face has since long been cast
recalls not the youth of its past

edited 01/25/22 0905