Bi-lingual rhyme may wryly chime

The facial ’emoji’

found these days ubiquitous
en platt ‘pedagogi’
or outright iniquitous

In the tongue of my mother
would be ‘känsloikon’
who in my youth came rather
across as ‘känslokall’

While little she related typed from keyboard
mest uttryckt muntligt från eget ‘ordförråd’

edited 05/29/24 0735

Not invigorated, hope debilitated

At early dawn released, relieved
from limp grip of shallow sleep
coming to on planet aggrieved
facing day’s challenges steep

Not invigorated
mind, conscience shaky
hope debilitated
legs & joints achy

These days sleep since too long adulterated
each morning feeling more attenuated

After beaten black-and-blue escape got overdue

Careless years blown dissipated
lived ignorant of too much
Dull days closed down desolated
leaned too hard on booze’s crutch

I kept on churning on shallow laps
around & around & again
’til sounded inexorably taps:
Plainly mundane, nothing arcane!

For true happiness I’d sung in vain
ignorant of another refrain

Demure lips of restraint

While those demure lips we’d gladly kissed
but as know-it-alls unwilling
to delve into that we may have missed:
Perhaps a life more fulfilling?

It’s reality, not fiction
that voluntary restraint
(while at glance a contradiction)
frees us from feeling constraint

While we’re still keeping up our perseverance
of floundering in rushing incoherence

-restraint = ‘a cookie abstained from may taste better than one indulged’

Dawn finds me, if at all, a mere pawn

Dawn fades in auspiciously
that’s how Universe turns
Doesn’t flow in capriciously
by how emotions churn

How to know this with certitude?
While I can’t know if am I
mere prisoner to attitude
bestowed when, by whom & why?

Surely I can’t be such big of a deal
that the very sunrise knows how I feel?

The rose was a rose not less so while she froze

A sole overstayed rose
shivered but far from jaded
imagine how she froze
in Winter’s bleakness faded

All comfort she’d spurned
no longer warmed or fed
How for Spring she yearned
though by then she’d be dead

While this story tragic
shows that anticipation
might well offer magic
short of participation

Quite hard to be judicious
about what’s inauspicious