All out push for cars self-driven ought not be a given

Self-driven technology
becoming article of faith
dogmatic theology
while implementation the wraith

Letting automation thrive
as we watch, indulged til cockeyed?
While cars built as fun to drive
we’ll be along just or the ride!

Though would we not get relieved
wildly keeping on high-fiveing
when this techno-fix achieved
no one gets fined for drunk driving

While slack-jawed we praise high-tech as The Solution
aren’t there saner paths of human evolution?

All bonds been loosened, rejoice!

Overweight, over-entertained
we’re cowards uncritical
while toiling in soulless jobs drained
we hide apolitical

Can’t care about usurpation
or making the moral choice
cruelty no aberration
all bonds been loosened, rejoice!

In a society pernicious
we’re escaping to ‘worlds’ fictitious

Pretending cool, whilst played for the fool

Pounding a platitude
while pretending cool
Whilst stuck in servitude
we’re played for the fool

Off on the daily spree
tires burning, squealing
Why can’t we simply see
we’re Future stealing?

Our Species the real schmuck
running amok, denying
Knee deep in banal muck
telling ourselves we’re flying

We’re our own enabling muses
spouting asinine excuses

servitude = here: to the oligarch/kakistocrat society

Hardly arbiter, rather harbinger

Western media apoplectic
and frantically out of breath
but their ‘coverage’ anorectic
unless the elite’s shibboleth

Pouring on the propaganda
with aggressive intention
on to Russia’s own veranda
in wanton intervention

The U.S. hardly the arbiter
in the global ‘regime change’ chase
rather appears as the harbinger
of the end to the human race

With ruinous war-waging technology
while minds mired in ‘Won the West’ mythology



U.S. security in peril
from nations antagonistic!
Those foreigners always found feral
their voices propagandistic!

Thus forced by others in cahoots
U.S. must keep up the whack-a-mole
though even when ‘on the ground boots’
unable to exercise control

Expand embargo targets!
Kill collaterally!
The same old Beltway argots

“All options are on the table
won’t stand for contradiction!”
such pontificating fable
of titillating fiction

While Elites ought to shiver
as Empire slips, they trip
Out of arrows in quiver
they’re now losing their grip

Can we stop making excuses as SOP?

The vacuum at the top
the true reflection
of us all in synced SOP
in vile abjection

Where do we get off offended
when we ought feel shame & blame?
Greed of the rich gets distended
while we’re enjoying our game

Changing it may be up to all of us
but I need my car, you go ride the bus!

-SOP = standard operating procedure
-the top = the power elite

Neighborhood flies flags of victimhood

On the global stage
as in the neighborhood
in offended rage
fly flags of victimhood

Sacred our right to be offended
& conceited, self indulgent
False pride vulnerable, distended
where selfishness reigns refulgent

When mired in stingy insularity
we lose out on brave solidarity

-victimhood = here: of the usurped kind

Injustices to redress … yeah, but we’d rather digress

In this fading world blighted

mired in rapacity
would attempt get it righted
be just audacity?

What if human lives go awry
because burdens be lightened?
Ain’t humanity getting by
despite it’s unenlightened?

Grab instead for distraction
as pastime gleaming stuff
easier than take action
which seems risky & rough

So keep smiling hoping to impress
in a dapper suit or low-cut dress

Goosery of Greed

Waiting in line at the bank
Pompous Temple of Usury
Floor marbled, breathing air dank
smells like a Goosery of Greed

Manager supercilious
tellers aptly pedantic
Banks prudently punctilious
ambience un-Vedantic

Of Money too easily sycophantic
as urge for earthly riches turns us frantic