Forebode the bottom-scraped lode

What idiotic presumption
that what’s for us a smooth road
of endless growth and consumption
somehow doesn’t deplete the lode!

Humans been binging
until all got unhinged
Still we ain’t cringing
our cheeks by shame untinged

We have been undiscerning
so for our hapless brood
their future now adjourning:
Irreversibly screwed

The impropriety of kakistocracy

We’ve watched a variety
of impropriety
in dazzling dubiety
and insobriety

For too many years pretended
we were ruled by Meritocracy
which emphatically ended
Now saddled with Kakistocracy

who shall never be appeased
or moved by entreaty
they just leer at us displeased
as were we graffiti

In these times cruelly stern
all while right on we churn
the rich take what we should earn
And we lack guts to learn!

Kakistocrats never get placated
none of their demands ever vacated

-kakistocracy = government run by the worst & vile, least qualified & most unscrupulous citizens (from Greek kakistos: worst)

In complacence we offer obeisance

In offhand complacence
with little forethought
we offer obeisance
as we yield distraught

Got no appetite for fuming
in righteous indignation
just looking busy consuming
away in resignation

In successive fits of ‘sloptimism’
we pretend: What’s wrong with escapism?

‘sloptimism’ = (by license) wishful sloppy ‘thinking’; groundless optimism


“Why”, anxious cattle bleat, “must we be your supply of meat?

“More ribs cooking on U.S. grills as meat supply increases” 5/28/18 news in our hometown paper. Wow, what a feat!

Quite the welcome feat
Americans love ribs:
More supply of meat
smoking hot, we’ve got dibs!

Short lived cattle anxiously bleat
Soon resting in their burial place
which for them, our supply of meat,
is our insatiable stomach space

Cattle’s plight? Why does that matter?
Just pile more grilled on our platter!

To opportunism entitled

There exists no stronger fealty
in our late stage capitalism
than for example to realty
as entitled opportunism

Lost in stock market goosery
watching transactions careen
Splashing awash in usury
indulging profits obscene

By justification spurious
while to multitudes injurious

Due to its gruesome gall the West shall fall!

As Western propaganda
keeps glowering vitriolic
beware its memoranda:
Cast Putin as diabolic!

Rarely hifalutin
like Netanyahu and Trump
the more astute Putin
won’t join on their distraught stump

Tell me, why this mythos
Russia as ‘adversary’?
What’s so amiss with us
that makes this necessary?

Perhaps Russia must be blameworthy
so that The West can look praiseworthy?

Nary hope!

Our poor Earth worn
since long turn leery
from too much scorn
by humans dreary

Sure looking up?
Nary hope
we’re in pileup
you dim dope!

So do look ahead
to soon dropping dead!

Lacking mature breadth while pretending depth

Aren’t we callow
lacking mature breadth?
Even shallow
while pretending depth?

But no need be concerned
as in these times who’d listen:
Haven’t most of us adjourned
to Self-Absorption’s Prison?

Reducing each other to appurtenant
make others’ concerns at best impertinent

-appurtenant = relating to something that is added but is not essential
-breadth = an ability to address a broad range of issues