Delighted to be invited but right now through quatrain clinging to the arcane

Thanks so much, delighted
but am chasing the arcane
Glad to be invited
but mired knee-deep in quatrain

Right now inopportune
find myself all-fired
(in lasting honeymoon)
and verse-wise inspired

Fully engaged in quatrain
frolicking in my deepest dream
striving to clinch the arcane
Not splashing in shallow prose stream

Let’s instead meet at some other time
when been cold shouldered by muse & rhyme?

Well versed

As the morning dawns
a next day announcing
We’re ready, poor pawns
for another trouncing

But when I get myself versed
there’s air under my wings
Not ensnared, slogging cursed
among prosaic things

Lightens the day’s burden in trade-off
when starts off with a rhyming take-off

well versed = here: able to write a fair verse

Facing the adverse by writing verse? Really now, how?!

There’s no denying
ain’t about ‘what’ I write
when versifying
but ‘how’ I transcend plight

If thought of at all I’ll be judged
not by my strophes of verse
or whether some rhymes crisp or smudged
but how I faced the adverse

Easy to smile when life seems child’s play
a lot harder when hope spins astray

Shall there always be time?

Sent to a friend encouraging her to get on with her painting:

Wonders she: what’s the big rush
what’s this your nagging plaint?
Won’t there always be a brush?
Won’t there always be paint?

Thus cheerfully we chime
by lingering lure:
There shall always be time!
But can one be sure?

Such hope may prove mere delusion
Don’t attempt another feint
and waste talent in confusion
Don’t tarry, get going paint!

Go ahead, show us your heart
do stare down your easel
allow us enjoy your art!
No more words of weasel!

edited 03/21/22 1020

What if It had proved ‘profound’?

‘Insight’ bolts out from under a bush
like a hare, catching it too hard!
Unfazed it jumps, twists in frantic rush
baffling the long suffering ‘bard’

Couldn’t write it down, lost in a flash
what if it had been ‘profound’?
Might it beyond fevered dreams rash
have impacted with resound?

But then how likely a deep loss to Humankind
something springing from a mere versifier’s mind?

Bleat of verse effete

I do hear you, sure
but my ‘pastime’
silly, bit obscure
is quatrain rhyme

Perhaps corralled conceit
shuffling in dull dance?
Mere bleats from verse effete
in limping cadence?

Surely slight nuisance compared
to all that what you’ve been spared?

edited 07/14/24 0835

Slicing to quintessence

When to consume feels choking
by gorging & swilling
somewhat akin to croaking
from stuffing & filling

Then slicing to quintessence
chaos turns clarity
sails out in luminescence
opens to charity

Be it just fleetingly of course
as much of that what I write
keeps turning out manure by horse
or at best of boorish sleight

Still rather write in faux creativity
than reading in lethargic passivity

Nurses his verses

Feeble verse he nurses
mostly with reverses
Claims he just converses
though he rants & curses

in purloined blustering
sputtering, blundering:

Comely comedy
turns crotchety
Tearful tragedy
turns travesty

Thus his stilted blather
shows no dreams or sense
Foamy stanzas lather
puffed up in pretense

He prattles & perplexes
while verbiage accrues
Watch him how he digresses
swerves through ‘fast verse’ drive-thrus