Don’t even a degree from Poetdunk U

Did I at Poetdunk learn verse?
At no university
but since child enjoyed verses terse
which Mom found perversity

Am, it seems, an autodidact
lost in our culture’s group think
Who knows, perhaps to counteract
consumer culture’s hoodwink?

Hence never enrolled in class
just tapping my inner sass

-Podunk = any small and insignificant town
-Poetdunk U = (taking license) any liberal arts college in such town


Beseech that speech & verse be terse

If it requires boundless words
then is it worth saying
bar for literary nerds
conceitedly braying?

But when needs to be addressed
then let’s articulate
Let it be tersely expressed
avoid pontificate

Dazzle us not with harsh Kliegs at night
but bathe us in morning’s soft sunlight


The odd ditty more wobbly than witty

Tired of hearing myself talking
in fat ego distention
of balking, hawking & squawking
Bring on an intervention!

Rarely found nibblers eager
taste my wilted phrases salad
culinary most meager
displayed in dry servings pallid

May lack knack but for the odd ditty
commonly more wobbly than witty?