Caught on at last: Right now is my one time only showtime. So act fast!

Truly it has been achieved
be it much belated
existentially relieved
by breakthrough elated

Been presumptive in perspective
each stodgy, rigid mistake
but since woke up, turned affective
much quicker now the uptake

This moment in this lifetime
whether in role calm or aghast
here & now is my showtime
in the part which I have been cast!

Long overdue to start my true role
old one been taking horrid a toll


Won’t a silly life usurp?

Finding true peace of mind while with zest
hoping to show off how we’re ‘blessed’
struggling intensely to stay abreast
with those most elegantly dressed?

Are we lacking in discernment?
Won’t silly life usurp us
mire us in mundane internment
oblivious to purpose?

While acquisitive restraint much maligned
perhaps a journey of most wondrous kind?

“All is not lost!” said the person who put on a few pounds

So let us trudge along
gulping mega fudge
trying hum freedom’s song:
‘Mustn’t ourselves begrudge!’

while mired in deep despair
not going anywhere

Over diverse diets
getting ourselves mesmerized
Emotions run riots
by repeat failure chastised

Such is life in consumer cultures
where nothing is ‘overdoing’
while life as insatiable vultures
clearly assures our undoing

Takes so much more for us to lose weight
than by what we don’t serve on our plate

I’m just someone who writes rhyming (terse or worse) verse

I’m no ‘poet’ hifalutin
mere ‘versifier’ callow
who does his own in foot shooting
writing rhyming verse shallow

A superficial spin drier
of phrases oddly acquired
Just dressed up in pretend attire
for yet a show uninspired

Proclaim prim ‘poetry fellows’:
“Let’s send that versifier
off to illiterate gallows
that foul, faux falsifier!”

But while ‘poets’ opine with such gumption
what if they’re just sloshing in presumption?


Who are electric bikes for?

Just about everybody including those:

With legs toothpick scrawny
or Tour de France brawny.

Celebs basking in fawning fame
or whose friends can’t recall their name.

Who are hard pressed to steer & pedal
or just won an Olympic medal.

Who are not obtuse:
So, what’s your excuse?


Loyal beyond beleaf!

Fall’s last leaf quivers
in duty most steadfast
in chilled winds shivers
determined to outlast

The last leaf on the branch
to past Summer hanging true
A rousing rear guard stance
or just blind loyalty’s glue?

When loses its gallant grip
last one to abandon ship!