Ute på sjön Anten, vågorna bryter

Under ett rejält oväder i Västra Götaland oroade jag mej att vǻrt lilla hus kunde ha blåst ut på sjön

Regn vräker, vinden tjuter
fyller djupa moras
mens höstälskare njuter
bland omskakande ras

Ute på sjön Anten
vågorna bryter
Där flyter vid kanten
när kuling ryter:

Ett hus rött
på drift
gammalt sprött
på vift

På gungande vraket
nån med sjövana
högst uppe på taket
viftar med fana:

“Om ni inte hjälper”
ord av kuling bevingade
“Fort, vi kanske stjälper!”
en vädjan betvingande


Communicative dereliction or just steeped in fiction?

Is our ignoring contradiction
freedom from friction in fiction
communicative dereliction
or just mirthful malediction?

Not inclined toward clarity
us fumblers of the simplest sentence
while lukewarm on what’s verity
won’t feel disquiet or repentance

Thought restraints had since long gone away
are we not just texting anyway?!

Slinter i livets vinter

Allt värre tänder
ens ögon grumliga
huttrande händer
vars fingrar fumliga

Sinnet oböjligt
i stelnade seder:
Babblar på, löjligt
om ansvar å heder

På en utsliten planet
som kollapsar torr å het

Silly old habits jump up & down like rabbits

Were I able to stifle
my clabber blabbering
spouting tedious trifle
smattering, jabbering

Then you’d be spared erred earfuls
of fumbling foolishness
saved from such silly eyefuls
of mucky mulishness

But short of you pointing a gun
I’ll sadly keep at it again

-clabber = milk that has soured and thickened

Kvist vig i vinden men trist förmenad att bli förgrenad

Frisk kvist klar i färg
i lekfullhet
stolt å stark i märg
i livfullhet

Växte på linden
en spänstig kvist
käck, vig i vinden
men utfall trist

Med förtröstan i bröst
såg den fram emot, naiv
långt in i ålderns höst
få ett skönt förgrenat liv

Men orättvisa trägen
i alltför tidigt dags
fann sej kvisten i vägen
av en glupsk trädgårdssax

Klipptes av, kastad på hög
påstods att den inte dög


Rattling bondage’s chain

Hoping to escape but all in vain
cannot handle Reality
Instead we’re rattling bondage’s chain
whining dejected hyperbole

Helpless to abstain
flying high, smashed
Frenzied to deplane
before we crash

How our lives darkly constringe
when fueled by pills or syringe

Marching to calliope in faux reality. Waylaid in sinister clown parade.

Daunting the hypocrisy
when ruled by plutocracy
or by kakistocracy
Both pretend democracy

How dismissively they act
to any thorough search of fact
Quite unable to react
beyond emotional impact!

Shrill the whistles of delusion
in music played by calliope
Minions marching in effusion
to music of faux reality …

… amidst fellow bewildered minions
hurling out their fact-free opinions!

This poster https://kiiarens.com/products/kamala-vote-joy triggered this verse

Wiggling toes spares me all woes

Watching my feet
flat on back in bed
in Summer’s heat
how toes wiggle, spread

Watching my feet contoured
against the open windows
most pleasantly endured
as a warm, gentle wind blows:

rushing between toes
as I lusciously doze
timed out from Life’s throes
in refreshing repose

In the very moment spared all woes
from my balding top to wiggling toes

Would anyone bright think I’m right?

Ought not feel a blush
if some clueless minions
carry on & gush
sharing my opinion

Would not regard as auspicious
or melt down all affective
but would rather feel suspicious
in attitude deflective:

As I’m so rarely acknowledged to be right
suspect someone who agrees can’t be too bright

My life – were I a train, ship or car

My life, were I a train, ship or car

I’d keep on spouting rickety yack
my train wheels going clickety-clack:

Seldom were I a locomotive
usually a mere caboose
Rarely dug deep down to emotive
just spouting cursory excuse


I’d be like a storm tossed ship
on vast ocean a mere blip:

Bow setting in waves slake
as memories fade remote
astern in churning wake
but briefly they stay afloat


If a car the whimsical Deux Chevaux
that purely minimalist, wheeled gizmo:

Watch it doggedly ‘dash’ uphill
engine whining wheezily
at speeds barely besting standstill
While downhill rolls easily

-Deux Chevaux = the simple, lightweight & low-powered Citroën 2CV car