Fawningly falling for Fallacy

When replacing what’s factually known
with what’s been determined Fantasy
ain’t it Reality we thus disown
fawningly falling for Fallacy?

In earthly strife of opaque spec
we’re escaping on each day
our noses in gadgets high tech:
Tap keyboard ballet, ole!

While on screen devices we’ve binged
Human Life has gotten unhinged

Flotsam windswept, left in wake, as wept

Watch the ephemeral waves
on oceans eternal
those wary warrior braves
their persistence vernal

Days raced in the froth of my youth
like driven waves, white capping
while now I’m a laggardly sleuth
usually caught napping

Am a poseur among knaves
a most tiresome recluse
one who cowers from the waves
pushing pretexts profuse

Flotsam on stormy ocean
oblivious, obtuse
swept in howling commotion
in existence abstruse

Celebrity expectantly

I’m not fearing to tread
as My Very Own Celeb!
Won’t fail to get ahead
soon gone viral on the web!

Never mind solidarity
must star in My Own Story
Forging on with temerity
I deserve all the glory!

Leaving politics to the Elite
affords time to stuff my own shed
So what that usurious Wall Street
if helps me feather my own bed?

For I won’t hesitate at the gate
of the Only Life Worth Living!
Must not let my beguilement abate
which would turn out unforgiving

Watch me take aim
ready in crisp dress
to claim my fame
a chunk of success!

Disingenuous words slither & slide

Aiming to take us for a ride
those disingenuous words
tenebrously slither & slide
pounce singly as well in herds

By blurred verbiage thronged
our attention grabbed
Bathos suffered prolonged
its contentions crabbed

Assertions spurious
cheery & braying
Assaults laborious
preying, dismaying

Spectacle precarious
in bombastic bouquet
All so faux gregarious
in dissolute decay



Attempting tighter stanzas

Airy verse warmly oblique
blows abaft, blows athwart
Rhyming bursts in thoughtful pique
lighthearted to cavort

Verse anxious to comport
without baring fangs
just aiming to transport
holding back harangues

Make stanzas tight
not staid or prosy
Make the tone light
but not too rosy

Set not out to sway
or to dissuade
Never try upbraid
attempt allay

Show mercy, so don’t hold forth
Have pity, make verses short

-abaft = from the stern
-athwart = right angle to the ship’s center

Unfolding petals lustrous, contrasting humans blusterous

When Spring blossom releases
with inexorable mettle
bit like coming to Jesus
amidst bursts of finest fettle?

Unfolding petals lustrous
bursting in anthesis soundless
Contrasting humans blusterous
in their nauseous noise boundless

Ethereally endowed
each staunch bantam blossom
grows eternally unbowed
fulfills presence awesome

While Nature stays in full control
mere arrogance the human role

anthesis = the flowering period of a plant, from the opening of the flower bud

Finna ro i gamla vanor

Om när stapplar emot en spegel
glimtas en ‘malbiten’ figur
väl som andra ser mej som regel
om överhuvet, eller hur?

Grunnar sällan på himmelsk lycka
för lönlöst förstås att vädja
Mens jordelivet, får man tycka
har lyckats att tidtals glädja

Kan ej dröja länge nu till fullt stopp
på livets dåraktiga banor
Tills dess ett trött sinne i krasslig kropp
kan finna ro i gamla vanor

Life stains irascibly, flows impassibly

Flows impassibly
the eternal refrain
stains irascibly:
Life’s suffering & pain

How we seethe
in temptation
How we breathe
for redemption

Both fear & hope us urge
in unyielding distinction
back & forth on the verge
very soon now: Extinction

Life let’s us fleetingly think we have won
while it controls when each of us is done

Winged global bullies



Taking off for way up there high
Sleekly winged global bullies
their ‘spreading Freedom’ gone awry:
Creating more enemies.

Fuselage & uniforms gleaming
still each plane a deranged scorer.
While patriots cheering & beaming:
dropped bombs tear off limbs in horror.

The Nation Indispensable
turned the most reprehensible

-winged global bullies = here: B-52 bombers


Not a leader of men

I did not become that leader of men
that mighty lion roaring in his den

Not pumped up enough my ego
or perhaps lacking gumption?
Feeling too stiff in tuxedo
or bothered by compunction?

Feeling guilty of indulging
while others ail & tumble?
Loath to proclaim with chest bulging
while trying to fake humble?

Too deficient a Philistine
to travel by limousine?
Too concerned with the unforeseen
bored with intrigues Byzantine?

Or perhaps, putz
just lacking guts?