Kör välståndet oss slut?

Läget nu akut
Trots hissat varje klut
seglar vi bakut
Torrt ej längre vårt krut

Sliter bland för lite vila
många grunkor att dyrka
Börjar vi kanske förtvivla
hur vi ska orka yrka?

För inte får den lov ta slut
vår snofsiga livsstil, vet hut!


From the vapid repartee deliver me!

From those vapid repartees
please do deliver me!
None of them Life’s apogees
just annoying whoopee

So let’s not suffer such banter:
The ruckus & raves of the ranter
The meddling of the supplanter
trying out-cantillate the cantor

Those jarring voices just lessen & lambast
when I’d rather see quietude be amassed


Since aged wizen

Since he aged wizen:
curbed his cupidity
not felt much frisson
dialed down turgidity

Instead finds daily adventure
popping the prescription pill
avoiding chewing his denture
Foot still tapping sitting still

All while lucidity
fades with rapidity

Har vi fastnat i fel fil?

Kolla först massmedia
rusa sen å fynda
till varje galleria
gäller det att skynda!

Sen lunchas de på pizzeria
luras på en nyare bil
åks färja för det skattefria:
Att va upptagna i cool stil!

Men har vi fastnat i fel fil
med en livsstil tanklöst febril?

Så kunde farit värre

Så till slut blev man då
gammal gubbe (tant)
oftare mindre så
hjälte än en fjant

Ej hotad av svärd men fotskav
så kunde farit värre
säj skyfflad ner i en massgrav
av nån fjärrans fältherre!

Då: Död i blå uniform med blanka knappar
Nu: Halvdöd i livet bak skärmens skygglappar

skärm = här: som på mobil, computer etc

Nature shall romp in mirth!

Could have had solidarity
rather than indignity
engaged in jocularity
rather than malignity

Our Species is lost in denial
thinking we alone in control
but shows us up as suicidal
when created our own sinkhole

But Humans falling extinct
shall rejuvenate Earth
summed up here in phrase succinct:
Nature shall romp in mirth!

Depth of soul plumbed, found bereft & numbed

My presence turned sallow
gotten gray & old
Insipid & shallow
shuffling like a troll

Seeking out quietude
and tranquility
scrounging each interlude
for sanguinity

Uneasily did plumb
the depth of my soul:
Found it still callow, numb
though perhaps bit droll?

In my youth I held higher hopes
than retire as one of Life’s dopes

Change shall not somehow just happen ‘out there’!

We keep suffering iniquity
by greedy ‘power elite’ blithe
Brutish plight predates antiquity
scythed powerless humans still writhe

Implacably each ‘people’s savior’
shall feel uniquely appointed
But let’s assess our own behavior:
We allow being exploited!

True change doesn’t somehow happen out there
but through risk filled action by ‘us’ here