I Livets Vinter hjälper inga finter

Kunde jag blott fått ändå
bo kvar i mitt Livs Höst
hade gärna fått pågå
skulle varit sån tröst!

Blev rynklig nu som korinter
en maskros bland hyacinter:

Insnöad i Livets Vinter
nu hjälper inga finter
Jag dillar, irrar å slinter
i ålderns labyrinter

Men enär som ung jag var redan svagt insatt
märks ingen större skillnad nu i hur tafatt

Don’t even a degree from Poetdunk U

Did I at Poetdunk learn verse?
At no university
but since child enjoyed verses terse
which Mom found perversity

Am, it seems, an autodidact
lost in our culture’s group think
Who knows, perhaps to counteract
consumer culture’s hoodwink?

Hence never enrolled in class
just tapping my inner sass

-Podunk = any small and insignificant town
-Poetdunk U = (taking license) any liberal arts college in such town


They wave, smile & shake hands

With their careers at stake
our ‘leaders’ lie & fake

Feeling all entitled
why would they concede?
The elite unbridled
in atrocious deed

They’re hawking ‘give & take’
means ‘they take, we give’
Gladly devour our cake
grimly combative

When faced with our demands
they wave, smile & shake hands

The opposite of ‘cowardly? ‘Cow-ardly’!

On noticing a herd of cows grazing on the edge of a shallow lake:

A herd of brown cows grazing
on grass by the water
short-cut future they’re facing
for goodness sake: Slaughter!

In the now’ heroically
as they’re living on the edge
Noses to ground stoically
while astutely skirting sedge

Let’s be courageous in the now
having a field day like a cow!

-cow-ardly = here: the ways of cows, incl their courage & rectitude, which prominently lacking in the humans who exploit them.

Att irra otåliga på genvägar ihåliga

Att kura i feghet
inför naturens grymhet
mänsklighetens glupskhet
vårt eget hjärtas bryskhet

Irra otåliga på genvägar
i stället för att finna utvägar

Från gråblek misantropi
bråk & kakofoni
fullständig idioti
ber jag nu: Sätt mej fri!

Om inte varit så livsoerfaren
hade jag inte slösat tid i baren

On leaving Anten

On leaving our homestead in Anten, Sweden, inspired by Joyce’s eyes moistening over:

Parting’s cool morning thronging
with borders to be crossed
Unrequited her longing
ailed in lingering lost

The old farm an indelible part
lodged lovingly in her tender heart



The violence that the empire inflicts on the far reaches of the realm keeps returning home in ever fiercer vengeance, here a.k.a. ‘blowback’:

Empire forcing itself afar
implacably & scheming
Generals lust for that next star
Dark killing machines gleaming

Poor cultures obliterated
through mechanized pure evil
millions get ‘depopulated’
Now brings home the upheaval:

Empire has begun coming apart in whimper
Long overdue that its breezy smile turns simper!

We clinched Oblivion!

Ending endless wars the sine qua non
for the reining in of the Pentagon

Still we’ll perish in climate collapse
part of the Sixth Mass Extinction
Even if changing as in time-lapse
won’t forestall Species’ eviction

We warred & consumed at our best
clinched Oblivion for the rest!

-sine qua non = a prerequisite
-Sixth (Great) Mass Extinction = In the last half-billion years, life on Earth has been nearly wiped out five times. The planet is now entering the Sixth. Let’s give ourselves a strong hand!
-time-lapse = done by means of time-lapse photography