Base consumer ace not bound by boundaries

Whether buying socks or crockery
it’s about deliberation
Making right choice or face mockery
a taxing preoccupation!

Stuff made in sweatshop
makes for low price perfect!
Heady feel atop
with power to reject!

Total waste to try and humor
any purchase quandary
that’s faces our base consumer
who knows not of boundary

All opportunities acute
for a consumer resolute
Prudence never found too minute
for a consumer who’s astute


If wrung drained, filled with misgiving

Day dawns in anticipation
morning opens up ‘wide screen’
There’s fleeting exhilaration
as off to work we careen

But soon fades the day in routine
stuck on the corporate track
where indignity and caffeine
afford little joy or slack

If at the day’s end we’re found drained, filled with misgiving
shall we still be counted among the truly living?

%) Seeking shiny ribbons

The consistently failing but still not changing U.S. foreign policy: Why don’t they ever learn?!

On the contrary! The Power Elite has learned only too well from their ‘mistakes’ & remain ever so determined to repeat them. These ‘mistakes’ feed their heady hubris and float their depraved delusions while amply providing notoriety, power, profits, careers, ribbons, pensions.

Steeped in inequality & iniquity, the Elite cannot be much bothered about the dire & deadly consequences to other people at home or abroad.

Before the tales of Gibbon
humans swung like gibbons
off to war, way quickly gone
seeking shiny ribbons

Since our Species’ dawn
man pounded chest
with taunt, flexing brawn:
“Who’s the bravest?”

The Elite gets People excited
about foreign machinations
to trust propaganda benighted:
We’re upholding laws of nations!

Though the Elite doesn’t have People’s welfare in mind
it can carry on – as we’re a cowardly kind



It shall end the same way it did five times before

Our Species’ great distinction
is to precipitate
the Sixth Great Mass Extinction
which just won’t mitigate

It’s been portending
trending since long
Soon it’ll be ending
horridly wrong

Here is what it shall entail
no mere innuendo:
‘going out of business’ sale
in screeching crescendo

Whether found untoward
still Apocalypse
in climatic discord
Then Necropolis

In the final crunch
we’ll be checking plugs, cords
(cluelessly lack hunch)
in vain pounding keyboards

Amidst the climate collapse
all left is to implore
in a last breath bugling taps:
“It used to work before!”

-Sixth great mass extinction = The planet has gone through five ‘great mass extinctions’ over the past some 440 million years, each of which is thought to have annihilated anywhere from 50 to 95 percent of all species on the planet. We are now well into

Färdigkrattat men ej färdigskrattat?

I belånade hus hopklämda
i slö trafik inklämda
Politikerna ostämda
mens så käckt oförskämda

Åt utvattnade skämt
ej färdigskrattat
Känns vår Livslopp utskämt
å färdigkrattad?

Hörs ångerns fotsteg på grusgången?
Av oss låtsaslejon färdigrutet!
Raspig hörs den senaste sången
bortslösat det sista torra krutet

Klimatet ödesbestämt
Framtiden obestämd
Men tack å lov att alltjämt
vår mobil är finstämd!

My subjectivity is true objectivity

While open to critique
I’m of course quite unique
You must let me bespeak
with responses oblique

And I do declare
let me ensnare
I do not forswear
being unfair

For my subjectivity
is surely, I declare,
the true objectivity
Beyond that should I care?

Smart phone seemed lost but then was found

When your phone seemed lost
prima facie
didn’t you blame, accost
going crazy?

Then found! You were returned
from despair’s deepest canyon
No longer were you spurned
by your Dearest Companion!

How you had yearned to be prompted
back in ‘phonily’ graces
charmingly enticed & wanted
held in torrid embraces!

You may find it condescending
if labeled ’smartphonistic’
though hopefully not offending
but simply sybaritic?

Now you’re back in Reality
in cool nuzzling normality!

Mediocrity, rarely reached

When did it happen last time

on checking your mirror
that whistles blew, bells would chime
seeing yourself clearer?

That in reflection
on inspection
saw not perfection
or affection?

Mere mediocrity, schmuck!
Rarely reached, often worse:
Barely scraping by in luck
until pulls up the hearse.

schmuck = (Yiddish) a jerk

Hapless at their mercy, reduced to smile & curtsy

Those hectoring, obscure scenes:
don’t know a single nut or bolt
behind those crisp shiny screens
against which hopeless to revolt

Without an apology
the techno-fix is in
by latest frivolity
we cannot fix a thing

Large corporations with such ease
(we’re hapless at their mercy)
charges us hefty service fees
We’re left to smile & curtsy

Ours is not to understand how
but (whilst being scammed) acclaim ‘wow!’