Flotsam windswept, left in wake, as wept

Watch the ephemeral waves
on oceans eternal
those wary warrior braves
their persistence vernal

Days raced in the froth of my youth
like driven waves, white capping
while now I’m a laggardly sleuth
usually caught napping

Am a poseur among knaves
a most tiresome recluse
one who cowers from the waves
pushing pretexts profuse

Flotsam on stormy ocean
oblivious, obtuse
swept in howling commotion
in existence abstruse

Post-millennial centaur, arrayed in splendour

Tell, has our Species ever met
someone that so hogs our time?
Anything like the Internet
that so dominates our prime?

Anything as facile as the Smart Phone
enticing indulgent seclusion?
where we are never & always alone
in such tantalizing collusion?

The hapless Post-Millennial Centaur
gallops wildly in oblivion
arrayed in alienation’s splendour
til crashed in future obsidian!

A thousand missteps began with a single journey

Having found Gothenburg pedantic
I had since childhood quested West
hence peered over the edge of my nest
on to horizons romantic

Clearly I inclined to manic
so sailed off to The New World
but turned no trip Magellanic
merely cruised in restless whirl

Stranger in Reality
so when I did arrive somewhere
never in finality
rarely found a tangible ‘here’

‘Far away’ may not endow
this I can sadly avow

Gothenburg = the major port & industrial city on the Swedish West coast

Letting the children choke on our ‘just deserts’!

Lives desiccated deprecated
desecrated by vanity
Human habitat depredated
with hubristic profanity

Most could surely have been averted
yet why do we not feel ashamed?
While a few moved for change concerted
most found wanting – but not all blamed

Too weak to act, lost heart, guts & shirts
Temperatures & oceans rise
Serving on children our ‘just deserts’
heaped in gleaming china of lies

Wasn’t the past quite the blast?

Remember the past
was it not quite the blast?
But wait, not so fast
don’t we now stand aghast …

… when having to recall
our silly, witless gall?
Too many a close call
drunken nights lost in thrall

Did youth spent heedlessly
flash by in much haste
and rarely weedlessly
prove an utter waste?

-weedlessly = here: clean & sober