Feet ‘cry ankle’

Here the expression of ‘cry uncle’ becomes ‘cry ankle’. Experienced after long days of sightseeing on foot in e.g. a major tourism city.

Our knees
both screech

Oy vey! oy vey! oy vey!
as feet ‘cry ankle’
Dawns yet another day
regrets shall rankle

But why dwell in an existence
where the major absorbing locus
is on bodily persistence?
Where’s the intellectual focus?

But until found ain’t it sadly obvious
that of such we just had not the foggiest

-oy vey! = (Yiddish) expression of dismay or hurt

Baby breath thrust stirs no dust

Off to a slow start this morning? You’re not the only one. Tells here an airplane even:

Taxiing, creeping
something ailing
fuel in tanks seeping
Prospects paling

Fuselage sagging
wing tips drooping
til nearly dragging.
Forget looping!

Jet engine’s breath
held bated
a Shibboleth
ill fated

Anguish inflated
as tires deflate
landing gear weighted
controls frustrate

Squeaky in rust
who’s nonplussed?
Baby breath thrust
stirs no dust

shibboleth = a common saying or belief with little current meaning or truth

edited 09/09/22 0810

Of aggrandizing advertising our mailbox feels flummoxed

We found our mailbox crammed
brimmed with discontent
Poor thing been stuffed & jammed
pouring out lament

Her plastic sides bulging
while overflowing
readily divulging
sad contents showing:

Though a lonesome magazine
found no private letter
Advertising byzantine
‘how to stay a debtor’

Gushingly touted
quite breathlessly!
All restraint flouted
quite fecklessly!

The box didn’t gorge itself
instead invaded
it’s just a lidded elf
pounced on, degraded

Words unkempt preempt

Insisting on words distinct meaning

makes us viewed ‘opinionated’
But glossaries too overweening
& leave us intimidated!

Are words merely something we say?
So might as well be snappy
no need for syntax to obey
Let them roam free & happy!

Are words just something we utter
in verbose clutter & din?
Let them frivolously flutter
& cascade freed from chagrin?

Have words gotten just something we say?
Besides who are listening anyway?

Beware if you introduce facts bystanders shall forthwith make tracks

Aren’t words just something we utter
so no cause to get uptight?
As something we just let flutter
no need for feeling contrite?

Take care to avoid some subjects
while be up on latest trends
Lay off our usual suspects
who talk Tesla but drive Benz

Above all don’t appall them all
by acting the rumpled sleuth
who with hapless self-righteous gall
goes out looking for The Truth!

Beware that if we bring up facts
bystanders shall forthwith make tracks!

-facts = caution: factual evidence, unless disregarded, may stop us from doing what we want



The sailor’s jailer

Below blown sea fowl
ship with ardor
tossed in storm’s howl
steers for harbor

Of shelter beseeching
to dock in snug port
though shore leave but fleeting
if crew doesn’t comport

So here’s your lonely life, sailor!
The open ocean: Your jailer!


Language of anguish mumbled here

Since morning’s crisp elation
we walk, head down, in daze
Tangled up in frustration
lost in Life’s dead end maze

Yet another day wasted
in mean meanderings
too lightly smelled & tasted
on wobbly wanderings

Are we too mired in anguish
to grasp our heart’s warm language?

-mean = here: small-minded; ignoble

Hearing no birdsong?

Are we rushing headlong
hearing no birdsong
all unmindful days long
until sounds swan song?

Entitled like baby boomer?
Whining like left waiting dog?
Offended like gypped consumer?
Fawning like corporate cog?

I’d rather live present & cheerfully
than elbowing airily sneerfully!


The (car) crash

The moment after crashing
time seemingly stands still
“You are alive!” keeps flashing
in vertiginous thrill

Crashed by distracted blunder
as no one did contrive
Withstood a thrust through thunder
to find oneself alive!

Then rest of day oxygenated
in pain, dazed while exhilarated



City blocks with props

Finding this ‘ship’ (or a perhaps a similar one)
docking in my home port of Gothenburg indignantly inspired this verse:

Those cruise ships ascensive
intrusions ostensive:

Floating (so over the top)
huge high rise city blocks
propelled by huge churning prop:
Cruising crescendo rocks!

Railed clueless passengers
grinning & gawking
they’re tourism’s scavengers
while locals mocking

Ship of schlock
please don’t dock!

railed = here: lined up along the ship’s rail