Got GPS in our cars so who needs heavenly stars?

Scarab beetles, unsung
fashion nifty balls
roll swiftly home the dung
on star-guided crawls

No need or reason, none at all
got GPS in our cars
for humans to roll any ball
guided by heavenly stars

Like human greed propels
depletion & pollution
our hubris ever swells
assuring retribution

The beetle may still roll its ball
when humans lack clean water
frantic we’ll trash about & crawl
seas rising, climate hotter

Scarab beetle:

Hands off, TSA! Out of my way!

Valiant armchair warriors’ voices shrill
Treasury depleted by trillions
Hapless young soldiers sent to maim & kill
feckless foreigners by the millions

Though that ‘underwear bomb’ blew no hole
the Homeland Industry grows, rocks
A dud as well that ‘bomb in a sole’
still we’re here lined up in our socks

Here’s the ridiculous rub:
no more risk risk to fly
than slipping in your bathtub
Where did we go awry:

Distant countries laid in ruinous states
while TSA pats down our ample waists

Leaves piling on Autumn rides beguiling

Past thinning trees ablaze
on roads wetly glaced
In sunlit lukewarm haze
hills pumpingly paced

Slim tires splashing
through leaves stockpiling
Cyclists dashing
on rides beguiling

Linger the last Autumn days
lustrous, crisply tender
Under Winter’s furtive gaze
fades Fall’s cerise splendor

pumpingly = as in pedaling hard, i.e. ‘pumping’ the pedals


Poise in ubiquitous noise?

Why must I pretend poise
in ubiquitous noise?

Vain the hope that racket turns tinny
so seal doors tight, make walls thicker?
Perhaps move away to New Guinea
or keep numbing up with liquor?

Hold the wild bustle!
Lighten the stomp
Muscle the hustle
Muzzle the romp

Please muffle the clang
and curb the harangue!

Out on raids ever niggling

On raids ever niggling
yet again out on foray
ever jolted, wriggling
heading out among moray

Chasing for conveniency
in hoopla unrestrained
granted full leniency
to live lives entertained

You contentious consumer
on shopping paths hallow
doggedly without humor
distracted, stuck callow

You captives of rushing clatter
paying heed to ads’ slick flatter

-moray = family of brightly colored voracious eels, dangerous if provoked; here: ambitious consumers dangerous if impeded


Time, that rigid knave, flows as continuity’s slave

We keep cavorting, gushing
why should anyone blush?
Over obstacles rushing
evading Death’s near brush

Time is such a rigid knave
flows without adjournment
Continuity’s mere slave
knows not of discernment

“Saving time through efficiency
watch me, watch me, always I’m!”
Then wasted in proficiency
by rush to save yet more time

Thence such time by rushing saved
gets squandered & wasted
The still moment rarely craved
though sensed but not tasted …

-knave = a deceitful scoundrel; an unprincipled crafty fellow
-proficiency = skill; expertness

Words follow words obtuse

Through fully opened sluice
words gush profusely
wave follows wave obtuse
ashore diffusely

Conveyed in smarmy smooth style
modulated, attuned
words customized to beguile
glibly, quickly communed

Words mindless of direction
locked in obduracy
empty of much reflection
pound in profligacy

If you take to heart much of what blurts
then you shall receive your just deserts!

just deserts = (idiomatic) punished in a manner appropriate to one’s actions (plural only & indeed spelled ‘deserts’ while pronounced as if ‘desserts’)

Where ever the hole pointless to cajole

Walking the bike up hill
did you get too tired?
legs too weak, lacking will?
No, a flat acquired!

Tire went ‘bang!’ at a juncture
deprived of p.s.i.
Instantaneous puncture
spectacularly, why?

When by rusty nail pierced
where ever the hole
airflow won’t be reversed
pointless to cajole

When inner tubes does burst
there is mean wheezing
Air rushes out head first
sound most displeasing

Each molecule on its own
elbowed escapes frantic
All solidarity blown
a deflating antic

How to exit one’s lair, hair flying, with great flair

Drawn on my years of observation of how my spouse has perfected this artful undertaking, viz.:

“Do not rush me, Time!
I need you to slow down
right now on the dime!
Just pulling on my gown!”

“I need you to wait!”
Her cheeks all flush
“I’m lavishly late
in frantic rush!”

By now Perfected Exit
after starting out slow
builds momentum til hectic
Now that’s a fire works show!

Steadily recurring drama
mere minutes til dressed from pajama
While to others would cause trauma
mere swift smooth routine for Grande Mama!

Plays out like a scorcher
with dashing deporture.

-deporture = deportment: demeanor; conduct
-Time = to others inexorable while to my spouse time ought to instantly expand or contract perfectly synchronized to her shifting needs. Now that can’t be too much to ask for, can it?!

Such searing spiel from behind the steering wheel!

“Why’s everyone in my way
while I’m never in theirs?
Why do they drive so astray
with only me who cares?”

Impatience turns rampageous
hurls us down that black hole
while patience is contagious
and leaves us in control

When one’s ego bigger than the car
seem we can’t help rant, honk, speed & spar!

The car fleetingly lends power
to a driver who’s lacking
whilst on foot meek as a flower
timid, weak-kneed & slacking

Ponder: You’re not stuck IN traffic
You ARE the traffic, Seraphic!