Hey lazy aces, check those laces!

These days it seems too much work and/or there ain’t enough time to untie the laces before removing one’s shoes at night. If so – here’s for those of you who struggle with putting them on the next morning:

Hope eternally springs
for AI laces made right:
Self-loosening shoestrings
opens up shoes with foresight!

But til such time here’s a cue:
Must it cause much outcry
if you don’t remove your shoe
until first you untie?!

Or do sneakers get tight
just resting over night?

Smart phone seemed lost but then was found

When your phone seemed lost
prima facie
didn’t you blame, accost
going crazy?

Then found! You were returned
from despair’s deepest canyon
No longer were you spurned
by your Dearest Companion!

How you had yearned to be prompted
back in ‘phonily’ graces
charmingly enticed & wanted
held in torrid embraces!

You may find it condescending
if labeled ’smartphonistic’
though hopefully not offending
but simply sybaritic?

Now you’re back in Reality
in cool nuzzling normality!

Hapless at their mercy, reduced to smile & curtsy

Those hectoring, obscure scenes:
don’t know a single nut or bolt
behind those crisp shiny screens
against which hopeless to revolt

Without an apology
the techno-fix is in
by latest frivolity
we cannot fix a thing

Large corporations with such ease
(we’re hapless at their mercy)
charges us hefty service fees
We’re left to smile & curtsy

Ours is not to understand how
but (whilst being scammed) acclaim ‘wow!’

In hapless hearts darkling, war machines keep sparkling

Here they go to war again
to make up for policy flawed
The pretext this time Ukraine
sending in military awed!

Narrative but forlorn fiction
with handy excuses mostly thin
Reaction same old addiction
to militaries who rarely win

Empires’ machines sparkling
in patriots’ eyes callow
their fickle hearts darkling
while peace fades ever sallow

Steeped in deep ignorance
hooked on obsession
Haughty the arrogance
of blind aggression

Still on victimhood they’re insisting
in mulish denial persisting

Baby breath thrust stirs no dust

Off to a slow start this morning? You’re not the only one. Tells here an airplane even:

Taxiing, creeping
something ailing
fuel in tanks seeping
Prospects paling

Fuselage sagging
wing tips drooping
til nearly dragging.
Forget looping!

Jet engine’s breath
held bated
a Shibboleth
ill fated

Anguish inflated
as tires deflate
landing gear weighted
controls frustrate

Squeaky in rust
who’s nonplussed?
Baby breath thrust
stirs no dust

shibboleth = a common saying or belief with little current meaning or truth

edited 09/09/22 0810


The violence that the empire inflicts on the far reaches of the realm keeps returning home in ever fiercer vengeance, here a.k.a. ‘blowback’:

Empire forcing itself afar
implacably & scheming
Generals lust for that next star
Dark killing machines gleaming

Poor cultures obliterated
through mechanized pure evil
millions get ‘depopulated’
Now brings home the upheaval:

Empire has begun coming apart in whimper
Long overdue that its breezy smile turns simper!

Screen-glued maroons howl at moons

Their ignorance seems foregone
unwittingly adverse
Declaring them a moron
might just make it all worse

Though they aren’t sipping the chalice
of willful and cruel malice

Who thinks those who howl at moons
truly deserve contempt?
Why berate screen-glued maroons
who of insight exempt

but were one of them to feel concern
sufficient then to cause a heartburn?

maroon: a person ‘marooned’ i.e. stranded or isolated withe little hope of rescue



Yet another ‘pretend solution’

When keen to propose a solution
our pitch splendidly articulated
with cliches in such crisp locution
by own idea intoxicated

But a fantasy cure-all
shiny but shortsighted
superficial with much gall
impotent, benighted

Hence just one more ‘pretend solution’
assured to fail in execution

Don’t act deranged! What Climate Change?!

Winter rages bleak & cold
then merely click ‘unfriend’!
For Spring soon to burgeon bold
just click ‘like’ to impend!

Climate change talk we won’t brook
cannot by hoodwinked eye be seen
It lacks button on Facebook
anywhere in front of our screen!

What’s Fantasy and what’s Reality
long since blurred in Mainstream Media
Drenched in torrents of triviality
by enablers of Acedia

Unbeknownst benighted
watch us grin shortsighted

-acedia = not caring or not being concerned with one’s position or condition in the world