Self-exiled in banality

Our attention constantly battered
self exiled in banality
Our senses confounded & scattered
as we forsake Reality

Suction cup noses on screen
absorbed, infatuated
as we adoringly preen
haven’t we got debilitated!

Even so many a fool
finding it all oh so cool!


Privacy’s goose is cooked

They watch us picking our nose
in our homes, from outer space
when busy or just wiggling toes
without them leaving a trace

Surveillance is rarely benign
when able tighten our noose
our freedoms, influence decline
Cooked right now: Privacy’s goose

Never again shall our goose flap its wings
never mind how eternally hope springs

Conformist salutes: Then & now

In the early 1920’s through mid 40’s era:

Arm straight at 45 degrees, empty palm down, with jaw jutted upward aligned with arm. Transfixed on Il Duce or Der Fuhrer. Practiced by tens of millions, saluting those fascist unsavory squirts in their black or brown shirts, who stirred up the desperate masses.

In our current era:

Around 90 degrees between upper and lower arm, palm up,
hand slightly rotated inward, head slightly turned with jaw tilted downward.
Transfixed on The Screen. Practiced by billions of distracted, desperate masses some of whom may spend a significant portion of their income on their smarter-than-them phones, which further enrich huge corporations:

“Being stuck on Fantasy’s Screen
like Narcissus focused on his bod
blind to how they fervidly preen
twittering away in ‘nose glued’ plod

So come on, try a detached look:
boorish, self centered banality
living life liking on Facebook
substituting for Reality

In both eras: poses thought beyond cool
Unless one were a ‘nonconformist fool’”

-Il Duce = Benito Mussolini, ruler of Fascist Italy 1922-43
-Der Fuhrer = Adolf Hitler, ruler of Fascist Germany 1934-45

Spare me the electronic conniving

Remote entry lights flash, honking horn
just to get into one’s own car?!
Am I the only one left forlorn?
Ain’t this too much, taken too far?

Anywhere left to go to be spared
all that talking, beeping, tinging?
Tell me: Must all ‘happy’ noise be shared
must our ears be buzzing, ringing?

What happened to just plain driving
spared electronic conniving?

Got GPS in our cars so who needs heavenly stars?

Scarab beetles, unsung
fashion nifty balls
roll swiftly home the dung
on star-guided crawls

No need or reason, none at all
got GPS in our cars
for humans to roll any ball
guided by heavenly stars

Like human greed propels
depletion & pollution
our hubris ever swells
assuring retribution

The beetle may still roll its ball
when humans lack clean water
frantic we’ll trash about & crawl
seas rising, climate hotter

Scarab beetle:

We keep making the inappropriate pass

Drilling by heedless fracking
oil is pumped emetic
keeps refineries cracking
in a race frenetic

Now, not until 2030
spills and plastic clog our gills
Earth’s water supply fouled dirty
leaves us sipping noxious spills

Now, not only by 2080
in climate catastrophe rife
comeuppance merciless & weighty
Humans left to horrific strife

Unreflective on how affronts amass:
Hubristic Humanity so crass
keeps making the inappropriate pass
Mother Earth is a virtuous lass

-2030 = read: twentythirty

Hands off, TSA! Out of my way!

Valiant armchair warriors’ voices shrill
Treasury depleted by trillions
Hapless young soldiers sent to maim & kill
feckless foreigners by the millions

Though that ‘underwear bomb’ blew no hole
the Homeland Industry grows, rocks
A dud as well that ‘bomb in a sole’
still we’re here lined up in our socks

Here’s the ridiculous rub:
no more risk risk to fly
than slipping in your bathtub
Where did we go awry:

Distant countries laid in ruinous states
while TSA pats down our ample waists

A life un-examined

Socrates suggested that “the un-examined life is not worth living.” That was then, and it still ain’t. And here is how now:

She: “Recently been thinking a little about the Meaning of Life …”
He: “Honey, why we don’t we google it?”

Boundless affinity for distraction
in vain attempts to handle it all
knee jerks to superficial attraction
one click away or found at the mall

But to lessen Life’s steady pains
must we not all squarely face
how helplessly our vigor drains
caught in Reckoning’s stern gaze?

while our lives us increasingly perplex
by hi-tech growing evermore complex

Online joy fades dysphoric

Set upon by darkening squall
in deep, murky waters we trawl

Keyboards clatteringly tapped
without effort or strain
Human memory lapped, gapped
does save time, while lulls brain

By smart devices electronic
bodies slumping catatonic
Instant searches counter-mnemonic
in tasks often histrionic:

Netting but victories Pyrrhic
as online joy fades dysphoric

Sorting paper clips by color

Who might you be to berate?
Hold your holy holler!
My sorting aim simple, straight:
paper clips by color

To you perhaps a clip mere wire
cavalierly curved metal
its ingeniousness won’t inspire
or found lacking its mettle?

While to me colored paper clips
strew paths like do rose petals
May distract like succulent lips
Prove gallantry like medals

But then I, like the clips, I consent
am as well of a peculiar bent