Fresh from ‘successes’ elsewhere, up next: China!

Beltway stuck lascivious
in politics insidious
Flimsy pretexts devious
brings on aggression hideous

Elated by advanced hardware
men in power act like boys
Those ‘warriors of the armchair’
want power, ribbons & toys

Safely back home they adore war
martially heroic lore
Ordering troops to roar & gore
to settle a phantom score:

Merciless U.S. guns
destroyed poor Iraq
Couldn’t even sweep the crumbs
left from this ‘cake walk’

While the U.S. been unable to defeat
‘medieval’ Taliban, al-Qaeda bands
North Koreans, Cubans or Vietnamese
‘enemies’ in the world’s modest back lands

Now foments a new Cold War with the Kremlin
such as in Ukraine by regime change coup
but Donetsk & Crimea, far from crumbling
stands up to Kiev’s neo-Nazi hue

Thus fresh from ’successes’ up next:
Pivoting with mindless ease
supercilious muscles flexed:
Trying bully the Chinese!

Droning on about its ‘finest hour’
while fading fast its sense & power

-the Beltway = the U.S. power elite
-phantom score = Contrary to e.g. John Quincy Adams’ foreign policy aspirations of 1821:
“But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.
The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.”


If not viewed on a screen then barely seen

If it does not go

off with ding, ring or ting
or flashing lights show
then it ain’t the real thing!

If by naked eye seen
it ain’t observing
while when shown on a screen
real, worth preserving!

Smart new electronics
does not mind contradiction
though impairs mnemonics
it knows not of restriction

Cluelessly we vociferate
as its downsides proliferate

Hyping cyber connection

When in 2016 my spouse tried to get me to adopt a smart phone I told her that I already had a pacifier as a baby, that I hoped to live out my last year(s) head held high – not with my nose stuck on a tiny screen, and it’s ring being my command.

Turning me a smartphone
run-of-the-mill clone
good grief, I moan & groan
What’s next? A small drone?

Hyping of cyber connection
how’s that an act of affection?

The Leaf Blower: Just shifts dirt in winked collusion

I nominate as emblematic
while Flora & Fauna glower
of Society symptomatic:
The ubiquitous Leaf Blower

Its credentials are compelling:
* Viciously vociferous
* Dust stirring jet, fetid smelling
* Exhaust carboniferous

Factually there’s no disputing
it’s to Nature quite abusive
being so profusely polluting
and to Neighborhoods intrusive

It replaces rasping raking
of erstwhile such enjoyment
and while by ‘techno fix’ faking
it creates unemployment

Its shortsightedness enigmatic
does not provide a solution
Of our carelessness symptomatic
just shifts dirt in winked collusion!

So by pretense are we then absolved
though the core issues remain unsolved?

Yeah but, I’m really not sure what you mean?

Planet privatization
while polar caps melting
Gobbling globalization
while hurricanes pelting

Economic disparity
in consumptive temerity
Political polarity
for us people austerity

Perpetually prodigious predation
leaving victims without restitution
Usurious financialization
where’s its societal contribution?

Fades now erstwhile solidarity
in rear mirror’s celerity
with jaded familiarity
and counterfeit sincerity

“Yeah but, I’m really not sure what you mean
as been importantly tied up on my screen?”

Losing subtlety, jest and flirtation

Consumer electronics, what impatience
be they alarms, smart phones, pads or scanners!
Where went subtlety, flirtation, elation
as well courtesy, humor & manners?

Outpouring in relentless profusion
steeped in undiscerning commotion
Suspended in a Land of Illusion
pounding away in self promotion

High time now to disengage with forethought
as fear being changed in to a robot!

What traffic?

Din of metal pushing through air
nostrils flared from tail pipe spew
Tires squealing, engines roar, horns blare
as traffic mounts tempers brew

Snug in ‘my cell phone booth on wheels’
who bothers about traffic?
Electronic Heaven appeals
am perfectly seraphic!

Til someone cuts me off of course
purloined civility shorn
then I turn deep-rootedly coarse
hanging dumbly on the horn

metal = here: vehicles


They talk about, talk, talk about & talk
boorishly self absorbed trivia
whether they drive, shop, do rest room & walk
wherever & in Bolivia

Unfazed they are letting it all hang out
where may quietness be found at all?
Excitedly they gush, prattle & spout
letting us overhear every call

Listening less than talking & talking
puzzled by the outside objection
whether they’re eating, sleeping or stalking
love that ring or ting: Got connection!

‘smartphony’ = someone who traded his or her pacifier (a gateway drug) for a smart phone, and being under the illusion that it bestows unique importance & efficiency with few, if any, trade-offs