Denying Pterogod

“It didn’t take long for researchers examining the tiny sea snails to see something amiss. The surface of some of their thin outer shells looked as if they had been etched by a solvent. Others were deeply pitted and pocked. These translucent sea butterflies known as pteropods, which provide food for salmon, herring and other fish, hadn’t been burned in some horrific lab accident. They were being eaten away by the Pacific Ocean. Scientists have documented that souring seas caused by carbon dioxide emissions are dissolving pteropods in the wild right now along the U.S. West Coast. That is damaging a potentially important link in the marine food web far sooner than expected.”
– Seattle Times, April, 2014:

As long as us humans are ‘evolving’
so what if other ones are dissolving?

Generational abdication
by humans turned the crisp ocean
through acute acidification
into soup of toxic potion

The mollusk pteropod
in translucent shell
now by CO2 flawed
Chimes food chain’s death knell

No longer just a notion
effects ubiquitous
No longer mere slow motion
collapse precipitous

By humans running roughshod
the shells now pocked, softened
of the hapless Gastropod
Grandkids’ future coffined

By killing the pteropod
we’re denying Pterogod

-gastropod = mollusk comprising the snails, whelks, slugs, etc.
-mollusk = a large group of animals (such as snails and clams) twho live in a shell
-pteropod = a small mollusk with winglike extensions for swimming
-‘Pterogod’ = (by license) that of God in Everyone and Everything

The ‘blank check’ lenience we allow for our own convenience

We ignore stentorian warning:
Planetary life keeps crumbling
in depletion, pollution, warming
met by our evasive mumbling

We equivocate & grumble
just own convenience is heeded
Glaciers melt & earthquakes rumble
not taking steps urgently needed

Our children & theirs shall pay the price
if we won’t change habits, they’re doomed:
As rivers drain, temperatures rise
ending them too early entombed

But for us, for now, a small price to pay
for enjoying the American Way?

May be by a next pedal stroke I’ll turn woke?

Out on my bike pedaling

I do my best thinking
although won’t be medaling
mostly rinky-dinking

But still by a next pedal stroke
I may find myself in vogue
by having finally turned woke
tired out from being such rogue

And we can’t all have a proclivity
for theories of relativity …

“It came to me while riding my bicycle”, said Albert Einstein about his Theory of Relativity

We could have mitigated. Instead we abdicated

There’s no longer much stretch left
of our Species’ narrowing path
which, had we back then been deft,
could’ve used to brake the planet’s wrath

Instead we caused Earth to crumble
by our consumption willful
Recklessly kept up in rumble
our feigned ignorance skillful

Unwilling to restrain
we decided to downplay
Little time shall remain
until our Species’ doomsday

Our shuffling so far in dismal dance
assures that our Species stands no chance

A Sixth Mass Extinction, now really?

If you insist go right ahead! Be my guest! Just don’t involve us!

Well, aren’t you persistent
it did happened in the past
may in future distant
But we would still be miscast!

For should it happen in the present
we’d rather stay unaffected!
Such a tiresome & irksome event
must out of hand be rejected!

We avoid things unnerving
enabling us to glide along
on our life path unswerving
no worry until our swan song

Until then we prefer rush headlong
heedlessly, unblushingly headstrong!

-Sixth Mass Extinction = Over the last half-billion years, life on Earth has been nearly wiped out five times. It’s happening right now for the sixth time. Let’s give ourselves a big hand for so splendidly helping it along this time around!


Global warming not some day. Yesterday.

Global warming

Global warming

A bike dealer who mentions global warming may indeed be guilty of the same self serving cheap promotion as the car dealership, which flies an over sized American flag or the politician who presumes to speak for ‘all hardworking folks’.

Be this as it may, the earth is “on the verge of disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control, causing mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

James Hansen, the chief climate scientist at NASA, returned to Capitol Hill in June, on the twentieth anniversary of his 1988 testimony, to indeed warn that the earth is on the verge of “disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control,” causing “mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

Obviously no amount of bicycling shall reverse or by itself significantly slow the spiraling.

Nothing shall. Short of perhaps radical life style changes right now, which clearly ain’t happening.

But for all its horror I’d personally rather know than living in denial of my own betrayal of future generations. Being only one of some 7 billions humans cannot lessen my complicity. I have sadly done nothing beyond mildly inconveniencing myself regarding arguably the greatest calamity that can possibly face life on planet Earth.

Freedom to be dumb, Te Deum

Yes, too much to ask:
Don’t interfere
we won’t wear a mask
too cavalier!

Then haven’t we sacked
any & all fact?
With all lies stacked
lost all sense & tact?

Facts are too socialist & abstract
won’t let such ungodliness detract!

How the meticulous became ridiculous

You’re inclined meticulously
to plan & take precaution?
Then you’re lost ridiculously
in culture of incaution

A bygone mode conceptually
so why then go to the trouble
when we’re doing exceptionally
in our own sweet ad lib bubble?

Why indeed waste proclivity
on a laughed-at activity?