Jaws jutting, postures strutting

While one cheats in golf putting
other flinged racket in tennis
indicative, off-putting
of their deadly menace:

Benito Mussolini
full blown fascist, brazen
‘Donito Trumpolini’
proto-fascist, phase-in

Their egos dysplastic
spur their speeches bombastic

Their jaws jutting
language crude
postures strutting
manners rude

Died in ’45, Benito
while Donald lacking circumspection
not even close to finito
so runs again for reelection

Because both such slickers
brash, ignorant & tacky
they attract boot lickers
minions in millions, wacky

-dysplastic = growth larger than normal
-golf, tennis = here: Don’s & Ben’s respective favorite sports


Marching to calliope in faux reality. Waylaid in sinister clown parade.

Daunting the hypocrisy
when ruled by plutocracy
or by kakistocracy
Both pretend democracy

How dismissively they act
to any thorough search of fact
Quite unable to react
beyond emotional impact!

Shrill the whistles of delusion
in music played by calliope
Minions marching in effusion
to music of faux reality …

… amidst fellow bewildered minions
hurling out their fact-free opinions!

This poster https://kiiarens.com/products/kamala-vote-joy triggered this verse

Democracy turns ‘Demockcrazy’

A Democracy that works for most of us depends upon a well informed and consistently engaged public:

By main stream media conformed
erstwhile ‘hard news’ turned entertainment:
offers up a worldview malformed
keeps us powerless by containment

Opinions spouted unformed
by impatience upstaged
To facts & logic not warmed
in ignorance encaged

From mounting calamities disengaged
with any sense of urgency assuaged


Self-centered all-out, blinded to all fall-out

We are on a mission
self-centered, all-out
in blazing volition
blinded to fall-out

That’s how the human neighborhood
by self-will been sent crashing
Who looks out for the common good
amidst all egos clashing?

Solidarity ignored
or even outright rejected
can it ever be restored
when we’re scattered disconnected?

Leaving each other in the dust shamelessly
while we’re trying to hog it all, blamelessly!

Are we on a mission
self-centered, all-out
in blazing volition
blinded to fall-out?

That’s how the human neighborhood
by self-will been sent crashing
Who looks out for the common good
amidst all egos clashing?

Solidarity ignored
or even outright rejected
Will it ever be restored
when we’re scattered disconnected

Left each other in the dust shamelessly
while we try hogging it all blamelessly!

Rather the role of the avower than the bully who must overpower

Strive for the role of the avower
who explores the Truth together
Shun arguments to overpower
which makes us our lost bellwether

Don’t throw in that red herring
surreptitiously non-glaring
diverts the discourse, erring
away on fallacious bearing

Such a disingenuous hoax
throws off good faith dialogue
like the stick thrust in bike wheel spokes
leaves our quest crashed epilogue

Been losing our sweet tooth
for what erstwhile was Truth?

‘Swamp’ drained but refills brought no thrills

Some ‘swamp’ dwellers gone
most often forthwith fired
but replaced with (yawn!)
folks even less desired

Despite long time since spoken
the ‘swamp’ remains un-drained
another promise broken
Check replacements harebrained:

How morally disheveled
those retrograde refills
ethically bedeviled
on corruption’s treadmills

The Prez keeps clomping
on a cringing world stage
Trumping & whomping
trapped in fantasy’s cage

How he bombastically mirrors
the nation turned sneerers & smearers

Safer shuffle like sheep?

As Life is never taintless
might be safer shuffle like sheep
tractably & be plaintless
watching warily from seats cheap

Save us from the raving babble
too grating, clueless & grim!
Elbowed by the ruthless rabble
chance to get out alive: Slim

Aren’t we skating on thin, cracking ice
pretending that all is sweet & nice?

The true cost of fleeting convenience

What’s the true price of ‘convenience’
beyond just the purchase sticker?
Add in cost of our self-lenience
and it hastily turns sicker

incurred by a ‘wheeled fortress’ car
‘starter castle’ residence
frequent air travel wide & far
current clueless President

And in this nation most obese
we keep ordering extra cheese!

How smugly incurious!

Our stinginess with language
as we gush emojis, cliches
ought it not augment anguish
over a deepening malaise?

Won’t we see how incurious
how mired in inanity
we’re when spouting claims spurious
in know-it-all vanity?

Ain’t it easily perceptional
that we’re nowhere near exceptional?