Change shall not somehow just happen ‘out there’!

We keep suffering iniquity
by greedy ‘power elite’ blithe
Brutish plight predates antiquity
scythed powerless humans still writhe

Implacably each ‘people’s savior’
shall feel uniquely appointed
But let’s assess our own behavior:
We allow being exploited!

True change doesn’t somehow happen out there
but through risk filled action by ‘us’ here

Plebs got resolute

The palace of Versailles:
Earthly power gone awry

The monarchy absolute
of the people heedless
Then the plebs got resolute
and royals died headless

An action that ought to inspire
in any empire gone haywire

royals = here: In 1793 Louis XVI, and his spouse Marie Antoinette were, among others, executed during the French Revolution

No longer allowed for a fact to get into the act

Aren’t facts just too complicated, taking too much time & effort to uncover & verify? Do I need anyone to tell me what MY facts should be? Surely, fairer & easier for each of us just to make them up as we need them:

Read about them in the tabloids
plied by ‘anything goes’ hacks
Elsewhere commonly called factoids
dressed up as we need them ‘facts’

The Net thrills in profligacy
of excitement refulgent
Be it doubtful efficacy
enabling those indulgent

Who’s got guts to be resolute
sort out all that’s annoying
in these our sweet times dissolute
brimmed with the innate, cloying?

Hence we spill what pops into mind
as insight of reflected kind!


Chasing every canard

Unthinkingly the blowhard
old fogy and diehard
keeps chasing every canard
blown across his barnyard

He’s prone to swinging the axe
before checking out the facts

-canard = an unfounded rumor or story; a baseless, usually derogatory story or report
-facts = as in ‘factual evidence’ – to be ignored when perceived as standing in our way

They pitch to our cupidity

Turning what’s clear into murky
they digress, they obfuscate
hawk what’s boring as if perky
pounce, batter & inundate

Dogged out-of-breath marketing
intrusive, titillating
in pitches self-aggrandizing
which some find mesmerizing:

Pitching to our cupidity
aided by our torpidity

Yet another ‘pretend solution’

When keen to propose a solution
our pitch splendidly articulated
with cliches in such crisp locution
by own idea intoxicated

But a fantasy cure-all
shiny but shortsighted
superficial with much gall
impotent, benighted

Hence just one more ‘pretend solution’
assured to fail in execution

Strenuous when it comes to being disingenuous

Never mind what is fact

Skimp on the logic
Renege on the contract
Clasp view myopic

Briskly spout poppycock
Ignore blatantly
Engage in double talk
Hurl impatiently

Persist tenaciously
Decide capriciously

-fact = as in ‘factual evidence’ – to be ignored when perceived as standing in our way

Words unkempt preempt

Insisting on words distinct meaning

makes us viewed ‘opinionated’
But glossaries too overweening
& leave us intimidated!

Are words merely something we say?
So might as well be snappy
no need for syntax to obey
Let them roam free & happy!

Are words just something we utter
in verbose clutter & din?
Let them frivolously flutter
& cascade freed from chagrin?

Have words gotten just something we say?
Besides who are listening anyway?

Discourse stuck inchoate

In 2016 Hillary Clinton treated voters like neglected dogs, which even so should somehow be expected to happily wave their tails at her. After all one of her slogans mightily presumed: “It’s her turn!’. Some of these long suffering dogs bit her instead.

While low were voter expectations
So what? Been so for generations

Bleak, tawdry that election
discourse stuck inchoate
while she was the selection
of Israel, Kuwait

Worn people like soggy dogs
tails tween legs, buzzed by fleas
on muddy slippery slogs
shook off Hillary’s bees

Campaign’s debates were largely disingenuous
the candidate’s grip on Reality tenuous