Traded snug solidarity for smug insularity

Hooked on voraciously soul sucking screens
in their eerie sheen ubiquitous
Been had by corporate marketing schemes
To celeb culture obsequious

No flirtation. Hit hard on
by forces hellacious
in consumer-tech’s brash con
its pursuits vexatious

Our culture predaceous, duplicitous
a future crashing in crassitude
in a society iniquitous
we languish feebly in lassitude

Been trading snug solidarity
for barbed & smug insularity

Words follow words obtuse

Through fully opened sluice
words gush profusely
wave follows wave obtuse
ashore diffusely

Conveyed in smarmy smooth style
modulated, attuned
words customized to beguile
glibly, quickly communed

Words mindless of direction
locked in obduracy
empty of much reflection
pound in profligacy

If you take to heart much of what blurts
then you shall receive your just deserts!

just deserts = (idiomatic) punished in a manner appropriate to one’s actions (plural only & indeed spelled ‘deserts’ while pronounced as if ‘desserts’)

Worse than Hitler?

No one may be a belittler
of the Evils brought by Hitler!

Still what is now holding sway
in ignorance fabled
to History’s sheer dismay
others are now labeled:

Like Hitler! Not like but worse
claim elites Americanized!
Unhinged, untenable curse
lie kept alive propagandized

Amidst whirling dust we grovel

In their owned world bright & novel
gallop swift equestrians
while in whirling dust we grovel
us plodding pedestrians!

While letting ourselves be kicked at
allowing us to be fooled
now under corporate diktat
we are all, profit fueled, ruled

Allow me state it to you straight:
Change now irreversibly late!

-equestrians = here: the power elite, i.e. oligarchs, big corporations, wall street, military-industrial-surveillance, main stream media & their handmaiden politicians

Enough specious words

Overseas millions killed, maimed
Their plight we belittle
concern rarely even feigned
to change noncommittal

Worn narrative straining
nation’s honor stained
In an empire waning
integrity sprained

The President’s smooth hollow words
just shows up paralysis
whether on climate, jobs or Kurds
Bring on urinalysis:

Enough specious words
by Ivy League nerds!

-president = written originally under Obama
-urinalysis = here: to identify those ‘high’ on Imperial hubris

What is it coming to this world?

Stolid Sweden 1950:
Grandma daily read the news
Life then was safe, sane & nifty
even so she ‘cried the blues’

Bemoaned through ages old persons:
“What’s it coming to this world?”
Alarming how quick it worsens
changes nakedly unfurl!

These days no longer perception
It’s here: Impending Collapse
way beyond aging’s deception
For humans its ‘bugling taps’ …


Can’t take the heat? Get up & off the side walk grate!


Times are heady despite having lost our heads already

Our minds gone apolitical
bored with analytical
views blindly hypocritical
of restraint inimical

On entertainment insistent
in narcissistic nation
turned Reality resistant
in misguided elation

Are we not head-over-heels
raiding the cash machine
in gilded automobiles
en route to guillotine?

But in these gadget-gathering times heady
we must surely have lost our heads already?

Gulping from the vile propaganda vial

The Empire of Denial
continues to beguile
By propaganda’s vial
clicking heals, shouting ‘heil’

U.S. lost in winless warring
yet still keeps persevering
Think by ‘doubling down’ they’re scoring
pretending to hear cheering!

The Elite keeps us Populace stirred
Reality & Fantasy blurred

The First Couple of Empire

Written in 2015

First couple of Empire
so tall, fit and lean
leading us in quagmire
smiling, waiving, preen.

While both o so chichi
ain’t he a bit preachy?

Should’ve minded caveat emptor
of “Change You Can Believe In”!
stuck with “Hope and Change” Emperor
who proves ever deceiving.

Misses no chance to endorse
while he’s killing by drone
‘The World’s Finest Fighting Force’.
Predecessors’ true clone.

“We left Iraq”, says he, “Heads held high!”
How (aghast!) can that be, why?
When million people had to die
still nothing sensed gone awry?!

-chichi = showily or affectedly elegant or trendy
-‘heads held high’ = “The last American soldier will cross the border out
of Iraq with their head held high, proud of their success and knowing
that the American people stand united in our support for our troops”
– Obama, Oct 2011