Roads avaricious lead to dead-ends pernicious

Might those unknown ‘truly humble’

be the sole ‘adults’ these days
those who rarely are heard grumble
those few who’d rather shun praise?

Shouldn’t those ‘faking being modest’
be deserving of our wrath?
These days invasive as sawdust
how they’re clogging up our path!

Who is propelled by humility
when comes to piling worldly excess?

Tailwinds push truculently
on many roads avaricious
wide, they gleam luminously
leading to dead-ends pernicious

Seems mere flash of futility
when pushing too hard for success?

-‘adult’ = an emotionally, mentally & socially mature person – seen many recently?

Yet another bait & switch

The ‘One Nation Exceptional’
now resoundingly unmasked
while ‘Greatness’ just conceptional
still being pitched unabashed:

Ready for another bait & switch?
He’s prickly, prone to toddler fits
This time around plays in mega kitsch
short on manners, knowledge & wits

Howls in a hurricane of glitz
klutzy & shallow clamor
disingenuous repeat fits
A narcissistic scammer

A vainglorious con artist
from reality unhitched
Voters not informed or smartest
being too easily sales pitched!

Mindless consumer minions
though can’t be bothered with facts
entitled to their opinions
as propaganda distracts:

whether in The Beltway or backwoods
sadly they buy a sick bill of goods

-The Beltway = the Washington, DC power elite
-One Nation Exceptional:
“The United States has always been corrupt, savage and brutal. It has always been wildly dysfunctional and hypocritical. But now, thanks to a president-elect who is loudly ignorant and utterly devoid of impulse control the mask is off. The horrible truth about the United States can no longer be denied. Trump epitomizes truth in advertising. We’re a nasty, crappy country. President Trump suits us fine.” – Ted Rall

Rubber sword gladiators

Oh, what nonsense conferred
Claiming it is us who drive
while in backseat chauffeured
How we presume & connive!

We wobble gushingly inane
Us boorish bloviators
we hobble on presumption’s cane
rubber sword gladiators

We ignore contradiction
with our suavest diction
Our syntax dereliction
turns pureed affliction

Between reality and fiction
there’s absolute absence of friction

Yeah but, I’m really not sure what you mean?

Planet privatization
while polar caps melting
Gobbling globalization
while hurricanes pelting

Economic disparity
in consumptive temerity
Political polarity
for us people austerity

Perpetually prodigious predation
leaving victims without restitution
Usurious financialization
where’s its societal contribution?

Fades now erstwhile solidarity
in rear mirror’s celerity
with jaded familiarity
and counterfeit sincerity

“Yeah but, I’m really not sure what you mean
as been importantly tied up on my screen?”

In denial we act like a wriggling eel in tap dance spiel

Try bring up that with which we won’t deal
we’ll turn slippery like a wriggling eel
disingenuous with zany zeal
skipping away in a fierce tap dance spiel

Try mention what we won’t hear or face
we’ll spout anger quite invective
putting the messenger in their place
unguarded, jaws clenched, reactive

We’re shouting ‘arguments’ deflective
reasoning flawed & defective
then retreat in silence rejective
stuck, adamantly protective

Personal immorality became society’s normality

When striving to grasp reality
how is it recognized if found
as surely abject futility
with life now in fantasy gowned?

Our personal credulity
shapes up what’s reality
Endless our gullibility
as we crave hyperbole

All faded to triviality
including hate’s lethality
Beware of life in frugality
hail corporate mentality!

Thus our personal immorality
became societal normality


Pseudoscience dalliance shows up in The Feds’ mantic Wall Street misalliance

Haughty members officiate
in lofty paneled splendor
Each looking the initiate
though who knows mere pretender?

They bow down to Holy Economy
while in pseudoscience dalliance
suspiciously bit like astrology
in mantic Wall Street misalliance

With technocratic virtuosity
interprets the arcane, complaisant
with ceremonious pomposity
befitting Elite turned complacent

Of social justice little said
by those bailed out Capitalist banks
or of folks hanging by a thread
in desperation-filled serf-like ranks

While The Fed & other Elite conspire
to keep people down in debt-ridden mire

-Fed = here: The Federal Reserve Bank. The ‘Central Bank’ of the United States & globally which claims to be independent while owned by banking interests

On the back road of least resistance

How fruitless to mumble the tired line:
‘democracy is in decline’
As well: ‘global warming is benign’
when we certainly lack of spine!

Did we not way back turn off that high road
of erstwhile courageous insistence?
Don’t we instead drive fearfully & slowed
on the ‘back road of least resistance’?

Now way late for democracy
& for human habitat
One faded in hypocrisy
other blew its thermostat

Just slab on more lotion!

In 2012 Mitt Romney received strong applause when he said: “President Obama promises to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. My promise is … to help you and your family!”

Delegates went ecstatic
Thinking gelatinous
Attitude fringe fanatic
Logic calamitous

“Slowing ocean rise, no!
Me & us now, yes!
Go Mitch go, way to go!
He’s our guy, God bless!”

Rising heat & ocean?
Just slab on more lotion!

Self-entitlement’s fangs bared

Agony fills our bones
while minds racing, our guts churn
like crawling on coarse stones
For change our heavy hearts yearn

Social bonds no longer prized
irreparably frayed
Everything commoditized
trust & manners decayed

In Empire’s Wars & Celeb Cultures
self-entitlement’s fierce fangs bared
turning us into whiny vultures
Only poverty deeply shared

Little of wisdom debated
or of shared humanity
Neighborhoods fearfully gated
in self absorbed vanity