By those crazed iron-willed beguiled

Walking Life’s path
more or less fulfilled
by Life’s own math
attitudes instilled

Passions few & unwilled
our ambitions mild
ruled by those iron-willed
who have us beguiled

Throughout ages people altruistic
been pushed around by those agonistic

agonistic = combative; polemic

Have we become too easily offended, too mired in victimhood?

Rectitude fades vestigial
forlornly residual
Scraps mightily effigial
get scattered quadrivial

Erstwhile patience gone vitriolic
lost in victimhood distended
The trivial turns hyperbolic
by tripwire we claim offended!

What if we tried act convivial
might then our lives feel less trivial?

victimhood = here: ‘victim mentality’, an acquired personal or cultural trait in which a person tends to see themselves as a victim and to behave as if this were the case even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary


The day it all went astray! Manners manic turned into panic! Power Elite feared defeat!

In Helsinki it went to hell
and panic took the front seat
“American Empire’s death knell”
weighed in the Power Elite

A United States President
who did not bully or patronize
Against Empire’s precedent
to never slightly try empathize

They’ll never squander an enemy
or dare upgrade one to frenemy!

-Helsinki = the July 2018 meeting when Trump did not bully or patronize Putin

The impropriety of kakistocracy

We’ve watched a variety
of impropriety
in dazzling dubiety
and insobriety

For too many years pretended
we were ruled by Meritocracy
which emphatically ended
Now saddled with Kakistocracy

who shall never be appeased
or moved by entreaty
they just leer at us displeased
as were we graffiti

In these times cruelly stern
all while right on we churn
the rich take what we should earn
And we lack guts to learn!

Kakistocrats never get placated
none of their demands ever vacated

-kakistocracy = government run by the worst & vile, least qualified & most unscrupulous citizens (from Greek kakistos: worst)

To opportunism entitled

There exists no stronger fealty
in our late stage capitalism
than for example to realty
as entitled opportunism

Lost in stock market goosery
watching transactions careen
Splashing awash in usury
indulging profits obscene

By justification spurious
while to multitudes injurious

Due to its gruesome gall the West shall fall!

As Western propaganda
keeps glowering vitriolic
beware its memoranda:
Cast Putin as diabolic!

Rarely hifalutin
like Netanyahu and Trump
the more astute Putin
won’t join on their distraught stump

Tell me, why this mythos
Russia as ‘adversary’?
What’s so amiss with us
that makes this necessary?

Perhaps Russia must be blameworthy
so that The West can look praiseworthy?

Nation foolishly stumbled but oddly never felt humbled

How do such s**t hole nations
scrounge up their silly gall
at their poor, lowly stations
to carry on & bawl?

They’re deemed easily exterminable
despairing of survival choices
while Empire’s clamor interminable
in raucous warmongering voices

Claim feverish minds conceptional
perpetually so in vogue:
“U.S. Nation is Exceptional!”
While it’s Herself who’s going rogue

In the end Empire turns effete
and cruelly goes astray
beats a long overdue retreat
hits cataclysm, fades away

Until such time keeps up Her harsh harangue
on Moscow, Tehran, Beijing & Pyongyang

-going rogue = here: a state that does not respect international laws, treaties and agreements, and engages in unprovoked indiscriminate warfare
-s**t hole nations = quote by Trump