Are good-sounding words of fashion in their essence ashen?

In-fashion words travel in herds
rolling easily of lips
benign or like attacking birds
rarely distinct, mostly quips

Carefree they’re dragging anchor
removed from concern or anguish
spotless amidst mud of rancor
in willful ignorance languish

Years ago were we ever
this cool, smooth, or this clever?

Debased but seemingly not shamefaced?

No help for victims civilian
by ‘defense’ budgets of a trillion
while The E.U.: crocodilian
NATO: East crawling reptilian

Ever darker clouds race
beyond Humanity’s whims:
letting our lives debase
hope for planet’s future dims

… as we indulge free reins
for hate filled hearts & brains

Must be a fool to believe Trump is The Lord’s Tool?

Don’t anguish or you’re a fool
just feel joyous, free of resent
do as told in Bible School
just humble yourself & lament

While if secular you’re a fool
blind to Trump the butt of steed
still hailing him as The Lord’s Tool
despite his hate, lies & greed

Someone who’ll never relent
and incapable to repent

On your ass in morass

If you’re part of the admass
lost, beguiled & propagandized
you’re on your ass in morass
unwittingly anesthetized

The MSM ain’t independent
rather the Elites’ co-defendant

-admass = the part of society that is easily influenced by the mass media and advertising;
-MSM = main stream media

Wars would have stalled if only Middle Aged were called

Urged on by (their voices shrill)
jingoistic sheeple
train Baby Faces to kill
die for other people

If instead us Middle Aged were called
many a war would surely have stalled

sheeple = (derogatory, slang) people who unquestioningly accept as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny

Leeringly looting Lithiumania

What we all must bar
promptly, and here is why:
the electric car
due matter of supply

Frenzied Lithium mania
allowed us be led astray:
Looting Lithiumania
we just got carried away

We just can’t escape monomania
as part of our megalomania

-Lithium = a crucial metal, that must be mined, for electric vehicle batteries
-Lithiumania = here: a fantasized country with rich Lithium mines

To secure empire Pentagon remains the sine qua non

Are they being overwrought
in Military Paradise
those bemedaled Argonauts
who keep exhorting sacrifice:

for Freedom & Democracy
to flow out the barrel of the gun?
The life quenching hypocrisy
that the Argonauts shall never shun

Their faces don’t show pallor
while humming Te Deum
their proclaimed Christian Valor
contrary to Freedom

To secure empire Pentagon
handles wars of premeditation
It remains the sine qua non
to what’s needing annihilation

Leaving us to watch the Pentagon roll on
over the next small country it bears down on


In tiresome tirades tendentious why do sound so pretentious?

Our deluded Prime Mover
acts arrogant & contentious
seeking room to maneuver
with pithy prancing pretentious

Readily spouts what’s trite
mixed with random invective
Blindly claims to be right
while facts, logic deflective

Keeps up tiresome tirades tendentious
but aren’t we all sometimes sententious?

sententious = full of terse pithy sayings & axioms