Dropped anchor without rancor

Of rosy hued vigor drained
off course veered, dropped anchor
‘Just’ causes no longer feigned
subsided rush, rancor

Hearing himself he cringes
pompous in the arcane
Laboring on the fringes
struggling with the mundane

No longer plagued in the throes
of fables lastly shorn
About nothing much he crows
gray, worn – but not forlorn

Such is the life of the drunken sailor

Once young, when in Djibouti
Life Herself in the guise
of an enchanting beauty
gave him her deep well eyes

But she feigned not giving a hootie
when while blushing he praised her wrap
She pretended coy, cool & snooty
flustered, he could only tip his cap

Callow, thought he’d been rejected
so he told himself: retreat!
To a dive bar he defected
to nurse his awkward defeat

Under blistering sun in zenith
back later aboard his freighter
with in his sweltering bunk beneath
hangover on the equator

Once again hoists anchor his ship
such is life of the drunken sailor:
Off on another lonely trip
he sails away as his own jailer

-Djibouti = a port on the southern entrance to the Red Sea
-freighter = cargo ship

Union affable in perfect sorting control

Here’s a story that rocks
for persons with feet
who are wearing out socks
Here details replete:

Involves a old married couple
their romance erstwhile torrid
Neither bodies or minds supple
shuffling in socks un-florid

Socks not blown off any longer
but no surprise still worn through
spotted, when peeled off to launder
without alarm or ado

Her socks wear first at the toe
without an exception
while his heels the first to go
By clearest perception:

sock sorting thus infallible
merely check where’s found the hole
The couple’s union affable
in perfect sorting control


Flotsam windswept, left in wake, as wept

Watch the ephemeral waves
on oceans eternal
those wary warrior braves
their persistence vernal

Days raced in the froth of my youth
like driven waves, white capping
while now I’m a laggardly sleuth
usually caught napping

Am a poseur among knaves
a most tiresome recluse
one who cowers from the waves
pushing pretexts profuse

Flotsam on stormy ocean
oblivious, obtuse
swept in howling commotion
in existence abstruse

Not a leader of men

I did not become that leader of men
that mighty lion roaring in his den

Not pumped up enough my ego
or perhaps lacking gumption?
Feeling too stiff in tuxedo
or bothered by compunction?

Feeling guilty of indulging
while others ail & tumble?
Loath to proclaim with chest bulging
while trying to fake humble?

Too deficient a Philistine
to travel by limousine?
Too concerned with the unforeseen
bored with intrigues Byzantine?

Or perhaps, putz
just lacking guts?

Blown on to these shores

Back then had seemed remote, unknown
would seem like fatuity
when up on to these shores tossed, blown
but since turned fortuity

By winds, were they happenstance
brought me in disaffect
On waves, were they circumstance
in life I was shipwrecked

Back then I was downed, almost drowned
Since then blessed on dry steady ground

these shores = here: the US Pacific Northwest

A thousand missteps began with a single journey

Having found Gothenburg pedantic
I had since childhood quested West
hence peered over the edge of my nest
on to horizons romantic

Clearly I inclined to manic
so sailed off to The New World
but turned no trip Magellanic
merely cruised in restless whirl

Stranger in Reality
so when I did arrive somewhere
never in finality
rarely found a tangible ‘here’

‘Far away’ may not endow
this I can sadly avow

Gothenburg = the major port & industrial city on the Swedish West coast

On days flatly harrowed

Now my life (on whose behest?)
is wantonly waning
am adrift, feeling bereft
of what joy remaining

On many days flatly harrowed
up paths steep & ever narrowed
shuffling laboriously

Led a life inglorious
deftly dissipative
Even found notorious
as opinionative


Mediocrity, rarely reached

When did it happen last time

on checking your mirror
that whistles blew, bells would chime
seeing yourself clearer?

That in reflection
on inspection
saw not perfection
or affection?

Mere mediocrity, schmuck!
Rarely reached, often worse:
Barely scraping by in luck
until pulls up the hearse.

schmuck = (Yiddish) a jerk