Not yet again (we’re aghast)
here comes the iconoclast:
No mere contrarian
but barbed barbarian
who steadfastly us lambast
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
Not yet again (we’re aghast)
here comes the iconoclast:
No mere contrarian
but barbed barbarian
who steadfastly us lambast
There’s this Seattle man called Dave
whose sweet wife gets him to behave
while his politics
still keep us transfixed
Of his blithe helpfulness we rave
There was this woman outright pernickety
while mired as well in habits persnickety
She’s excelled stirring up the dust
leaving us all feeling nonplussed
Stemming from our own low standards rickety?
A person has turned my doppelganger
thus an opinionated ‘haranguer’
stuck in hapless controversy
he prays ardently for mercy
as his every day has turned cliffhanger
How we all keep persevering
quite determined in careering
and while times keep changing
need not be deranging
something else shall be appearing!
Time for Sam to majorly exult:
“Today is the day I turn adult!”
Eighteen a special number
that shall us disencumber
when from childhood shot by catapult
Looked at his place as his Life’s moorage
while she’d been searching for free storage
When she brought her stuff in all
just room for him in the hall
where awkward to cook breakfast porridge
Det mäktiga Toppskiktet i Davos
hör ju endast sina egna ‘bravos’
alltmer vidgad ojämlighet
hotar samhällens hållbarhet
Som märks även i lugna Alingsås
A limerick on a birthday of a neighbor who’s both an accomplished scientist & in his youth gymnast:
There was a youngish man called Igor
who treats all he meets with ardor
a man of great science
with strong self-reliance
Among Norse gods resembles most Thor!
Why Thor? Because they both rather swing a thunderbolt hammer than just sit around and yammer
A Limerick on the occasion of Conner, a grandson, returning home to Sunset Hill in Seattle after serving as a paratrooper with the IDF.
There was a young man from Sunset Hill
with many talents & of strong will
As a paratrooper Conner
served IDF with honor
For now, I suspect, he’s had his fill
IDF: Israeli Defense Forces