Hearing no birdsong?

Are we rushing headlong
hearing no birdsong
all unmindful days long
until sounds swan song?

Entitled like baby boomer?
Whining like left waiting dog?
Offended like gypped consumer?
Fawning like corporate cog?

I’d rather live present & cheerfully
than elbowing airily sneerfully!


When images of the past come to mind, and when not

When munching on bread:

Flowing field windswept
the rustling grain
soggily it wept
in bursting rain

When sipping coffee:

In heat shimmering
ripe the red beans
glowing glimmering
on hillside greens

When walking on a wood floor:

Stately tall the trees
branches sweeping the sky
swaying in brisk breeze
reaching where eagles fly

While when looking in the mirror:

My old face has since long been cast
recalls not the youth of its past