Are we all doing our utmost not to boast?

Before sunrise he’d be found
like clockwork our rooster
on his fiefdom’s barnyard mound
as his own best booster

Perhaps wound tightly
but hens find him knightly
Comes across sprightly
takes a stance uprightly

Repeatedly he must crow
to hear his own voice inflection
In dedication aglow
offers, as it is, protection

Aren’t we all doing our utmost
while taking good care not to boast?

A baby calf’s life they cruelly steal so we may enjoy a meal. Bon appetite, anyone?

Eating a tender ‘veal’ meal
brought to dinner table
with ugly, hardhearted zeal
Here’s goes the non-fable:

Cruelty we’re mislabeling
yes, how a calf becomes veal
This is what we are enabling
it’s a once in lifetime steal

He suffers alone the forlorn calf
put in dark bin to become ‘veal’
on pitiless meat eaters behalf
all his hoped-for joy they would steal

After months in the dark
posture hard to be shifted
calf cannot even walk
so weak he must be lifted

Then drawing his last breath
from Hell’s lonely bane
liberated by Death
from the gruesome pain

“My eating cheese, drinking milk
did not kill the milked cow!”
Well, you of indulgent ilk
it does, here’s when & how:

A milked out cow suffers five years
when slaughter ends her life in fears

A flower flows ever so gently with the wind

Flower’s stalk bows bent
face down, pose dejected
but does she lament
her being rejected?

While I admired her entranced
who else might have noticed
spared but the briefest of glance
or feeling remotest?

Why would a single real life flower need to be seen
when several thousands can be pulled up on your screen?


The rose was a rose not less so while she froze

A sole overstayed rose
shivered but far from jaded
imagine how she froze
in Winter’s bleakness faded

All comfort she’d spurned
no longer warmed or fed
How for Spring she yearned
though by then she’d be dead

While this story tragic
shows that anticipation
might well offer magic
short of participation

Quite hard to be judicious
about what’s inauspicious

Brittle leaves take flight from tree

Brittle leaves, yellow, cerise
swirling, sailing, glowing
in boisterous chilly breeze
mischievously blowing

Flashing sun rays dash around
lightening Fall in dance
Intrepid trees soon ungowned
below sky’s swept expanse

In windblown farewell leaves leave worn
bare branches left to stretch forlorn


Denying Pterogod

“It didn’t take long for researchers examining the tiny sea snails to see something amiss. The surface of some of their thin outer shells looked as if they had been etched by a solvent. Others were deeply pitted and pocked. These translucent sea butterflies known as pteropods, which provide food for salmon, herring and other fish, hadn’t been burned in some horrific lab accident. They were being eaten away by the Pacific Ocean. Scientists have documented that souring seas caused by carbon dioxide emissions are dissolving pteropods in the wild right now along the U.S. West Coast. That is damaging a potentially important link in the marine food web far sooner than expected.”
– Seattle Times, April, 2014:

As long as us humans are ‘evolving’
so what if other ones are dissolving?

Generational abdication
by humans turned the crisp ocean
through acute acidification
into soup of toxic potion

The mollusk pteropod
in translucent shell
now by CO2 flawed
Chimes food chain’s death knell

No longer just a notion
effects ubiquitous
No longer mere slow motion
collapse precipitous

By humans running roughshod
the shells now pocked, softened
of the hapless Gastropod
Grandkids’ future coffined

By killing the pteropod
we’re denying Pterogod

-gastropod = mollusk comprising the snails, whelks, slugs, etc.
-mollusk = a large group of animals (such as snails and clams) twho live in a shell
-pteropod = a small mollusk with winglike extensions for swimming
-‘Pterogod’ = (by license) that of God in Everyone and Everything

The ‘blank check’ lenience we allow for our own convenience

We ignore stentorian warning:
Planetary life keeps crumbling
in depletion, pollution, warming
met by our evasive mumbling

We equivocate & grumble
just own convenience is heeded
Glaciers melt & earthquakes rumble
not taking steps urgently needed

Our children & theirs shall pay the price
if we won’t change habits, they’re doomed:
As rivers drain, temperatures rise
ending them too early entombed

But for us, for now, a small price to pay
for enjoying the American Way?

Dying to be slim

“Am dying to be slim”, the rat had told them. Life Itself listened in.

A rat rotund felt bereft
been bemoaning his plight
of being fat. Didn’t look left
skipped as well looking right

He stepped into traffic
met a fate most dire:
En end grisly graphic
crushed by a truck’s tire

When found at daybreak
he had been flattened slim
While friends in heartbreak
sort of happy for him

Be careful how you use hyperbole
it may just turn into reality!