Virus Justice

‘Leaders’ now talk about the Covid-19 struggle as ‘war’. If so – a long overdue change from the gruesome practice throughout history of sending the very young out to fight & die. Fairer now when the old folks at home become the casualties. Still what remains the outrage is how ‘essential’ workers (many poorly paid with few benefits & poorly protected) are sent out to work & die.

In most wars the young
were sent out to perish
most often unsung
or cheered with praise garish

The old folks at home jingoistic
of soldiers horrors euphemistic

Now in the Covid ‘war’
with its surreptitious gore
Lady Justice keeps score
shredding such mythical lore

Now the young live for another day
while the old folks keep dying away

What humans, weren’t we demented, might have prevented

As we blew the chance of controlling
the Virus from gaining traction
When copped out on masking, patrolling
Mother Earth took cogent action:

She let the Virus do for its survival
what Humans ought to have done for its own
Failing to learn from our Species revival
we’re left pretending: ‘How could we have known’?

Yet again the Price of Neglect rarely
gets imposed timely but always fairly

Leap gallantly, gladly!

If we hide in a comfy niche
we’ll fade attenuated
risking wake up wet in a ditch
pretty humiliated

While mired in same old rut
tempting to staying put
stuck obligated

So why grin in stale attire?
Let’s dress to our heart’s desire!

True change is implacable
trade-offs it shall extract
often proves intractable
with long lasting impact

So leap gallantly, gladly
or we’ll forgo Life badly!

Watch the ‘Stable Genius’ stabilize The Virus!

Had he only readied tests

before the virus pounced
would we be in ‘house arrests’?
Life as we knew it trounced?

While for scientists problematic
since turned inept & erratic
by boastful meddling trumplematic
while his base cheers on ecstatic!

Of such noble creed & greed
how come ‘leadership’ lackluster?
Why won’t this Virus pay heed
to blaming, bully & bluster?

Our misgivings ubiquitous

While humans poorly embrace
uncertainty iniquitous
forced to stoutheartedly face
our misgivings ubiquitous

Whether Covid-19
or Climate Collapse
slow down or turned routine
or raucous relapse

While seldom do few seconds elapse
when we’re spared marketing & wiretaps

… or she’ll run wild, Anxiety!

In these harsh times of misgiving

with outcomes looming unclear
both unhinged & unforgiving
when we ‘converse’ by bronx cheer

Best not resort to piety
nor indulging propriety:

Just hold that leash short & tight
or she’ll run wild, Anxiety!
On darkening path of blight
below clouds of dubiety

Exploits deadlocks dreadfully dismal

Shrewd, be he not adroit
integrity abysmal
he knows how to exploit
deadlocks dreadfully dismal

He barges in by blaming
foul, rudely aggressive
insulting & inflaming
A loudmouth oppressive

How splendidly the President mirrors
his base of exceptionalist sneerers!


I’ve gone bald
too often galled
mostly stalled
no longer called

Turned too old
no longer bold
feeling cold
soon now I’ll fold

and were it not for those wondrous jokes
would think life might be a horrid hoax