Eager to get back to normality
where venality had turned banality
where normality was feudality
the by The Elite imposed modality?
We must refuse to rebuild a society
of such inequality & anxiety!
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
Eager to get back to normality
where venality had turned banality
where normality was feudality
the by The Elite imposed modality?
We must refuse to rebuild a society
of such inequality & anxiety!
before the virus pounced
would we be in ‘house arrests’?
Life as we knew it trounced?
While for scientists problematic
since turned inept & erratic
by boastful meddling trumplematic
while his base cheers on ecstatic!
Of such noble creed & greed
how come ‘leadership’ lackluster?
Why won’t this Virus pay heed
to blaming, bully & bluster?
While humans poorly embrace
uncertainty iniquitous
forced to stoutheartedly face
our misgivings ubiquitous
Whether Covid-19
or Climate Collapse
slow down or turned routine
or raucous relapse
While seldom do few seconds elapse
when we’re spared marketing & wiretaps
with outcomes looming unclear
both unhinged & unforgiving
when we ‘converse’ by bronx cheer
Best not resort to piety
nor indulging propriety:
Just hold that leash short & tight
or she’ll run wild, Anxiety!
On darkening path of blight
below clouds of dubiety
We allow little latitude
while stingy on encomium
As plenty persons’ rectitude
prove brittle like chromium
In such numbers
among us
they lumber
While few those marching erect
on Life’s path proudly perfect
Shrewd, be he not adroit
integrity abysmal
he knows how to exploit
deadlocks dreadfully dismal
He barges in by blaming
foul, rudely aggressive
insulting & inflaming
A loudmouth oppressive
How splendidly the President mirrors
his base of exceptionalist sneerers!
I’ve gone bald
too often galled
mostly stalled
no longer called
Turned too old
no longer bold
feeling cold
soon now I’ll fold
and were it not for those wondrous jokes
would think life might be a horrid hoax
For riding mass transit
we shall deserve an award
As we don’t fancy it
must be a dollar reward
What a splendid suggestion
many may just consent
Might even ease congestion
in case fast & frequent
Foremost reigns Pecuniary
other values of an act
found largely imaginary
Don’t we agree on this fact?
Yes, all is insubstantial
unless it is financial!
Prior to restored eyesight
was bumbling benighted
had felt anxious & contrite
with outlook unsighted
I just couldn’t envision
the light beyond cataract
before the incision
had seemed remotely abstract
Since as if by Kliegs enhanced my eyesight
would that next my soul shall fill with insight!
Klieg = an intense carbon arc light especially used in film making
If you attempt nuance and grace
you may come across as ‘wise’
to those aces in verbal Mace
and they’ll cut you down to size
Cliches they’ll shout
absent all doubt
Their bearing & manners cocky
think Life is but football, hockey
– mace = an aerosol that irritates the eyes
– wise = here: as a wise guy; a know-it-all