Opposites attract!

Opposite people attract
and if titillation
they may end up tightly packed
Bring on captivation!

While those birds of a feather
flock together tamely
those odd ones gladly tether
pressed together gamely

It shall majorly matter
among life’s klutzy clatter

Beware if you introduce facts bystanders shall forthwith make tracks

Aren’t words just something we utter
so no cause to get uptight?
As something we just let flutter
no need for feeling contrite?

Take care to avoid some subjects
while be up on latest trends
Lay off our usual suspects
who talk Tesla but drive Benz

Above all don’t appall them all
by acting the rumpled sleuth
who with hapless self-righteous gall
goes out looking for The Truth!

Beware that if we bring up facts
bystanders shall forthwith make tracks!

-facts = caution: factual evidence, unless disregarded, may stop us from doing what we want



Language of anguish mumbled here

Since morning’s crisp elation
we walk, head down, in daze
Tangled up in frustration
lost in Life’s dead end maze

Yet another day wasted
in mean meanderings
too lightly smelled & tasted
on wobbly wanderings

Are we too mired in anguish
to grasp our heart’s warm language?

-mean = here: small-minded; ignoble

Empathy on ration?

When to others’ hardship resistant
aren’t we failing in compassion
when just on own comfort insistent
ain’t our empathy on ration?

Our eyes glazed, as fear we smell
we act disdainfully
of all those faring less well
rather than humanely

Thus we dismiss them indignantly
while blaming others malignantly


Clueless ambit, odoriferous armpit

The clueless White House ambit
emanates from Empire’s
odoriferous armpit:
Absurd acts of ‘high wire’

This (must we not suppose) is:
National psychosis
with full free fall prognosis
by brashest hypnosis

Trump aggrandizes
He tantalizes

Done with can’t-help-himself flair
brazen cruelty laid bare

Precedentially Presidential

At first they were both derided
for appearing quite misguided

Off to such weak start
both Trump & Bush
mere blips on the charts
Then without blush …

… they chose (absent all qualms)
path precedential
which: Drop missiles & bombs
get ‘Presidential’!

Patriots are now deferential
of their new leaders quintessential!


Life’s sweet cream skimmed

Thinning hair ruffled
Slow feet stumbled
Noise shrill while muffled
Same days jumbled

Yarns spun garrulous
Headlights gone dimmed
on roads perilous
Life’s sweet cream skimmed

Been carrying on too long
Ready for the last round: Gong!