My subjectivity is true objectivity

While open to critique
I’m of course quite unique
You must let me bespeak
with responses oblique

And I do declare
let me ensnare
I do not forswear
being unfair

For my subjectivity
is surely, I declare,
the true objectivity
Beyond that should I care?

Hapless at their mercy, reduced to smile & curtsy

Those hectoring, obscure scenes:
don’t know a single nut or bolt
behind those crisp shiny screens
against which hopeless to revolt

Without an apology
the techno-fix is in
by latest frivolity
we cannot fix a thing

Large corporations with such ease
(we’re hapless at their mercy)
charges us hefty service fees
We’re left to smile & curtsy

Ours is not to understand how
but (whilst being scammed) acclaim ‘wow!’

Peace of Other Kind than found in Consumer Land

Does goods hawked with perky snappiness
by such breathless marketing fanned
bring us but material happiness
wandering in Consumer Land …

… as Peace of Mind ever vernal
must unceasingly be yearned
Grasped fleetingly, though eternal
cannot be bought, might be earned

Aren’t we hapless then shopping sheepishly
while the true price thereof piles steepishly?

Feet ‘cry ankle’

Here the expression of ‘cry uncle’ becomes ‘cry ankle’. Experienced after long days of sightseeing on foot in e.g. a major tourism city.

Our knees
both screech

Oy vey! oy vey! oy vey!
as feet ‘cry ankle’
Dawns yet another day
regrets shall rankle

But why dwell in an existence
where the major absorbing locus
is on bodily persistence?
Where’s the intellectual focus?

But until found ain’t it sadly obvious
that of such we just had not the foggiest

-oy vey! = (Yiddish) expression of dismay or hurt

Lacked restraint, unfazed by complaint

Lacked libationary restraint
until his dignity drained
Unfazed by concern & complaint
too tightly to habit chained

Used to drain bottles full throttle
when was that kind of fellow
Now fills a hot water bottle
since he turned cold & mellow

So there, we can now credibly debunk
that the bottle per se gets us drunk

Baby breath thrust stirs no dust

Off to a slow start this morning? You’re not the only one. Tells here an airplane even:

Taxiing, creeping
something ailing
fuel in tanks seeping
Prospects paling

Fuselage sagging
wing tips drooping
til nearly dragging.
Forget looping!

Jet engine’s breath
held bated
a Shibboleth
ill fated

Anguish inflated
as tires deflate
landing gear weighted
controls frustrate

Squeaky in rust
who’s nonplussed?
Baby breath thrust
stirs no dust

shibboleth = a common saying or belief with little current meaning or truth

edited 09/09/22 0810

They wave, smile & shake hands

With their careers at stake
our ‘leaders’ lie & fake

Feeling all entitled
why would they concede?
The elite unbridled
in atrocious deed

They’re hawking ‘give & take’
means ‘they take, we give’
Gladly devour our cake
grimly combative

When faced with our demands
they wave, smile & shake hands

Since aged wizen

Since he aged wizen:
curbed his cupidity
not felt much frisson
dialed down turgidity

Instead finds daily adventure
popping the prescription pill
avoiding chewing his denture
Foot still tapping sitting still

All while lucidity
fades with rapidity

Plebs got resolute

The palace of Versailles:
Earthly power gone awry

The monarchy absolute
of the people heedless
Then the plebs got resolute
and royals died headless

An action that ought to inspire
in any empire gone haywire

royals = here: In 1793 Louis XVI, and his spouse Marie Antoinette were, among others, executed during the French Revolution