The well-tuned bicycle

Relished the smooth ride home from the shop
trip home with steep hills seems just a hop:

Crystal crisp the shifting
Crankset, gears ticking
Handlebars uplifting
No foreign clicking

Tires whirl p.s.i. correct
hum of the well-oiled chain
Seating position perfect
I glide in the arcane

Wheels well spoked
tightly drawn
Pedals stoked
by brash brawn

All this combine to sweetly
boost the ride home most fleetly

Wayward if beyond my backyard

I’ve arrived at a stage
when finding most ‘news’ canard
of small use at my age
being somewhat a blowhard

What merely simulates
no longer stimulates

The wide world no longer
entices with what’s out there
While pulsating stronger
my heart & mind both right here

Staying calm around home, so far unbarred
while feeling wayward beyond my backyard

To opportunism entitled

There exists no stronger fealty
in our late stage capitalism
than for example to realty
as entitled opportunism

Lost in stock market goosery
watching transactions careen
Splashing awash in usury
indulging profits obscene

By justification spurious
while to multitudes injurious

Well versed

As the morning dawns
a next day announcing
We’re ready, poor pawns
for another trouncing

But when I get myself versed
there’s air under my wings
Not ensnared, slogging cursed
among prosaic things

Lightens the day’s burden in trade-off
when starts off with a rhyming take-off

well versed = here: able to write a fair verse

Why heed the prophets of profits above all?

There’s diminishing return
of consumer technology
such as not enough concern
how it bashes ecology

Still its shares go eruptive
moving rapidly to the fore
glorified as ‘disruptive’
forcing others to close their door

Of what merit ‘automation’
when leaves many unemployed?
Of what value ‘innovation’
when communities destroyed?

So why then do we heed the prophets
who create havoc most for profits?!

-disruptive = here: new technology or business models that put others out business; currently used as a term of gushing admiration without voicing much concern of social justice, jobs etc

Chastened I’ll be all right

At this closing stage of Life
I’ve come to realize
it all turned too rife with strife
but need to emphasize

until this time
I’d been distracted
Had seemed just ‘fine’
barely impacted

Following such insight
denial was history
Chastened, I’ll be all right
embracing Life’s mystery!

no longer can I continue to flout
that distraction but fleetingly works out


Facing the adverse by writing verse? Really now, how?!

There’s no denying
ain’t about ‘what’ I write
when versifying
but ‘how’ I transcend plight

If thought of at all I’ll be judged
not by my strophes of verse
or whether some rhymes crisp or smudged
but how I faced the adverse

Easy to smile when life seems child’s play
a lot harder when hope spins astray