Distracting vs exacting

Happiness but cloying
pinkish ribbon flown
flimsy & decoying
by fickle winds blown

While embracing Peace of Mind
steadfastly us anchor
Life’s most impeccable find
knows calm joy, not rancor

Happiness dallies in distracting
Peace of Mind lets us live exacting


Of obligations self-absolved

Humans selfishly devolved
into self-absorbed, complacent
Of obligations absolved
only sparingly complaisant

Turned inconsiderate, smug
Unless there’s something gained
barely a glance or a shrug
towards others deigned

Cluelessly protesting: “We’re blameless!”
Conniving, scheming, seeming shameless

Weakly we preen watching a screen

So tingly tactile:
tripping on an anthill
dancing a quadrille
working in a steel mill

Instead we vainly preen:
leaned on the Net’s crutch
as watching on a screen
keep us out of touch

Yet we butt in prone to pronounce – come on!
although we know so little from hands-on!

Slammed, at last, the door on my Past!

My worn mind kept on churning
jaws clenched in face paling
ears & cheeks hotly burning
relived every failing

Aged humiliations amassed
kept The Now cruelly harassed

I could not bear in time left
to be held captive by The Past
Then, at last, found strength to heft
rebelled in too long suppressed blast!

Since having tamed The Past iniquitous
The Now been blossoming ubiquitous


Memories stoked by pedal strokes

Memories glaringly stoke
turns the Past over as by plow
while seems every pedal stroke
distracts me away from The Now

Riding the bike ‘memory machine’
brings on wondrous recollection
as if shown on refulgent wide screen
in stern fiat retrospection

Whilst as long as rotate the wheels
my mixed Past unflinchingly squeals 8

squeal = to inform on

When disquietude brims, the outlook dims

Attempting life uncomplicated
in today’s screeching world unhinged
more so by each day, inundated
finding myself ever more fringed

Near drowning in dubiety
from which never sounds ‘all clear’
still lessens my anxiety
when in verse I persevere

Or when my disquietude brims
when shallow restlessness spikes
or whenever the outlook dims
I jump on one of my bikes

Quatrain strophes, pedal strokes allay
fleetingly nudge doomsday thoughts away

Delighted to be invited but right now through quatrain clinging to the arcane

Thanks so much, delighted
but am chasing the arcane
Glad to be invited
but mired knee-deep in quatrain

Right now inopportune
find myself all-fired
(in lasting honeymoon)
and verse-wise inspired

Fully engaged in quatrain
frolicking in my deepest dream
striving to clinch the arcane
Not splashing in shallow prose stream

Let’s instead meet at some other time
when been cold shouldered by muse & rhyme?

By those crazed iron-willed beguiled

Walking Life’s path
more or less fulfilled
by Life’s own math
attitudes instilled

Passions few & unwilled
our ambitions mild
ruled by those iron-willed
who have us beguiled

Throughout ages people altruistic
been pushed around by those agonistic

agonistic = combative; polemic

Not of change convincible when feeling invincible

Who misses peace of mind
when feeling invincible?
Towards change disinclined
simply not convincible

How breezily we’re self-reliant
on course set obliviously!
Of solidarity defiant
while grabbing lasciviously:

Fleetingly our bodies do subsist
while our hearts & souls on the sick list