Of context sorely nescient

How are we expected prescient
about all that’s devolving
when of context sorely nescient
whilst most values dissolving?

But who needs knowing
can’t we just keep going
conning, elbowing
pushing, and then crowing?!

Still ain’t there unsettling sense it’s bugling taps
that nations, environment are near collapse?

Waiting to be called

In waiting room
most aptly boring
something goes vroom
stylishly scoring:

abundantly thumbed choices
of magazines glossy!
Amidst coughs, muffled voices
receptionist flossy

Ubiquitous uneasiness
amidst querulous queasiness

Misery of misology

For massive misology
sprightly slighted ecology
chaotic chronology
they offer no apology

Wasted to first search out facts
in world narcissistic
Merely declare what attracts
with quips jingoistic!

While objecting to such ‘reporting’
is found culturally unsporting

Screened fiends

Today’s fiends
downward leaning
gawk on screens
cyber preening

If suggested they be weaned
through an intervention
they’ll act aggrieved & demeaned
in glib circumvention:

“We must be left free to careen
hunched over with noses on screen!”


Communicative dereliction or just steeped in fiction?

Is our ignoring contradiction
freedom from friction in fiction
communicative dereliction
or just mirthful malediction?

Not inclined toward clarity
us fumblers of the simplest sentence
while lukewarm on what’s verity
won’t feel disquiet or repentance

Thought restraints had since long gone away
are we not just texting anyway?!

Rattling bondage’s chain

Hoping to escape but all in vain
cannot handle Reality
Instead we’re rattling bondage’s chain
whining dejected hyperbole

Helpless to abstain
flying high, smashed
Frenzied to deplane
before we crash

How our lives darkly constringe
when fueled by pills or syringe

Marching to calliope in faux reality. Waylaid in sinister clown parade.

Daunting the hypocrisy
when ruled by plutocracy
or by kakistocracy
Both pretend democracy

How dismissively they act
to any thorough search of fact
Quite unable to react
beyond emotional impact!

Shrill the whistles of delusion
in music played by calliope
Minions marching in effusion
to music of faux reality …

… amidst fellow bewildered minions
hurling out their fact-free opinions!

This poster https://kiiarens.com/products/kamala-vote-joy triggered this verse

Democracy turns ‘Demockcrazy’

A Democracy that works for most of us depends upon a well informed and consistently engaged public:

By main stream media conformed
erstwhile ‘hard news’ turned entertainment:
offers up a worldview malformed
keeps us powerless by containment

Opinions spouted unformed
by impatience upstaged
To facts & logic not warmed
in ignorance encaged

From mounting calamities disengaged
with any sense of urgency assuaged


Anything perverse about how we ‘converse’?

Unfazed by our own pretension
grasp of issues flagrantly hazy
Hard to listen, pay attention
when intellectually lazy

Fleetingly attracted
we find what’s brief protracted
Swiftly we’re distracted
too much from us exacted

Triggered as if by bump stock
with scant effort to aim
we keep spraying our stump talk
through story line so lame

Relieved when can finally defect
hopping on to a next fresh subject

Rather the role of the avower than the bully who must overpower

Strive for the role of the avower
who explores the Truth together
Shun arguments to overpower
which makes us our lost bellwether

Don’t throw in that red herring
surreptitiously non-glaring
diverts the discourse, erring
away on fallacious bearing

Such a disingenuous hoax
throws off good faith dialogue
like the stick thrust in bike wheel spokes
leaves our quest crashed epilogue

Been losing our sweet tooth
for what erstwhile was Truth?