What is so ‘sweet & right’ with others’ dead end plight

Since the Romans has echoed the jingoistic cry ‘Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori’ or ‘It is sweet and right to die for one’s country’:

Awash in gushing
about what’s ‘sweet & right’
while not much blushing
of others’ dead end plight

While some ‘laid down’ their lives
at home Jingoists grandstand
keep slapping their high-fives
while just The Dead know first-hand

But why bother taking time to reflect
when easier just accept or reject?

Willful ignorance

When our ignorance willful
then a shortsighted stance
As excuse may be useful
still a poor traction prance

Any sensory input
if contradicts our emotion
experienced as hard put
obstacle to own promotion

A most treasonous act
to let into own domain
logic, justice & fact
so we repel with disdain

thus ducking away from Reality
while cowardly spouting hyperbole

-willful ignorance = the practice of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard of facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguments because they oppose or contradict our own preferences or beliefs

No real world reforms brew in Twitter storms

A ‘Me First’ stance keeps us shielded
but locked up in insularity
might a wider scope have yielded
engaged, heartfelt solidarity?

What we don’t wish to see clearly
shall hold us back severely
If we’re sorry, regret dearly
but late for that, sincerely!

Feigning concern of the odd thing
perhaps a posting with verbal sting?
We’ll Tweet, on Facebook take a swing
but not prepared to enter the ring!

While for change with real world traction
what’s needed: Hard nosed commanders
capable of strong hands-on action
Not Twitter storms by bystanders

Like those among us effete screechers
hiding away in online bleachers


Won’t suffer facts & logic gladly as would shake them up badly

Are these days a modicum of intellectual curiosity & rudimentary due diligence too much to expect from today’s fantasy & entertainment-addicted consumer (erstwhile ‘citizen’) prior to his or her opining?

Many cohorts seem numb & glum
seldom sound intellectual
They kvetch of mere modicum
woefully ineffectual

Cursory their curiosity
awry in tortuosity
they lumber in ponderosity
untouched by luminosity

Dim their vision, grasping history badly
so they won’t suffer facts or logic gladly

How the meticulous became ridiculous

You’re inclined meticulously
to plan & take precaution?
Then you’re lost ridiculously
in culture of incaution

A bygone mode conceptually
so why then go to the trouble
when we’re doing exceptionally
in our own sweet ad lib bubble?

Why indeed waste proclivity
on a laughed-at activity?

Plastic piles & lodges like mastic

Took more than just happenstance
to strangle Earth in mass choking
No sweet sounding song & dance
when all species begun croaking!

Who thought the Earth safeguarded
against plenty piled up plastic
when sloppily discarded
clogging Earth with massive mastic?

Crisis deniers’ speeches bombastic
while their relation to truth elastic

Erstwhile maiden moping, while still hoping

She had been pining
for a charmer
a knight in shining
gleaming armor

Then caught her on-white-horse-knight
after courtship whirlwind!
A leftist who wasn’t too bright
now she suffers chagrined

By now peeled off her lacquer
an aging woman less busty
He turned out a bald slacker
armor cracked & hinges rusty

Next she hopes to find someone who won’t annoy her
perhaps a well-to-do Republican lawyer?