Mischief under guise of virus relief

Blown in Twitter storm
amidst benign bloopers
howling locust swarm
of goosestep storm troopers

Under guise of virus relief
they’re bent on making the sky darken
up to their usual mischief
hoping we’re too busy to harken

The Power Elite doesn’t work for our protection
nevertheless we whimper in genuflection


Most handy subterfuge the virus

Works as subterfuge The Virus
for mismanaging Elite
they exploit, rarely inspire us
being heartlessly effete

The Nation teetered prior on the brink
due to ‘profit-first capitalism’
in it’s rusty armor many a chink
including ‘survival darwinism’

Of course Neo-liberalism
must obfuscate its barbarism

Galloping gallivant

Pretending we’re riding high
on puniest ponies
while not asking ourselves why
how come we’re such phonies!

We’re lacking in self awareness
whining about life’s unfairness

With feet barely
off the ground dangling
only rarely
lets up our wrangling!

We gallop gallivanting advocating
with our deprecating mouths agitating


All you purveyors of false hope

Issues themselves furled
left for you to react
Your sneering lips curled
no need to deal in facts

Self-described as ‘optimism’
while flimsy delusion
as well a glib euphemism
for ‘gutless collusion’

Your consuming in a fool’s paradise
leaves the rest of to pay the baneful price


On life’s tepid voyage

Claims she’s a ‘happy medium’
while seems on life’s tepid voyage lost
Self-corralled in tired tedium
chasing distraction at any cost

Too long mired in routines repetitious
to try launch any changes auspicious?

Stepping up from low(ly) sedans, hiding high up in wheeled towers

Shiny the lacquer
that positively screams:
“Here drives no slacker
but someone lives their dreams!”

Lighting, screens gleaming
painted darkly, sized huge
with gadgets teeming
No measly subterfuge!

Keeps conniving
through windows tinted
pushing, driving
to self unstinted!

But not hard to figger
why the rush to bigger:

Mighty fortress wheeled
of menacing power
as cave, as crutch, shield
We’re King in our Tower!

After clearing out my sedge, wish I could pledge:

Should you ask perchance
what is my opinion
I may look askance
can’t be your dominion?

Could you leave it unasked?
Be it of my own making
got set up in the past
mortified, poor pride aching

So won’t be baited yet again
aftermath just too cruel
So I’ll adamantly abstain
being again that old fool

Even when earnestly solicited
my opinion won’t be elicited