Global warming not some day. Yesterday.

Global warming

Global warming

A bike dealer who mentions global warming may indeed be guilty of the same self serving cheap promotion as the car dealership, which flies an over sized American flag or the politician who presumes to speak for ‘all hardworking folks’.

Be this as it may, the earth is “on the verge of disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control, causing mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

James Hansen, the chief climate scientist at NASA, returned to Capitol Hill in June, on the twentieth anniversary of his 1988 testimony, to indeed warn that the earth is on the verge of “disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control,” causing “mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

Obviously no amount of bicycling shall reverse or by itself significantly slow the spiraling.

Nothing shall. Short of perhaps radical life style changes right now, which clearly ain’t happening.

But for all its horror I’d personally rather know than living in denial of my own betrayal of future generations. Being only one of some 7 billions humans cannot lessen my complicity. I have sadly done nothing beyond mildly inconveniencing myself regarding arguably the greatest calamity that can possibly face life on planet Earth.

Freedom to be dumb, Te Deum

Yes, too much to ask:
Don’t interfere
we won’t wear a mask
too cavalier!

Then haven’t we sacked
any & all fact?
With all lies stacked
lost all sense & tact?

Facts are too socialist & abstract
won’t let such ungodliness detract!

Holy cow, is she my beef?

As a ‘meat lover’
I crave & ache
and left to hover
til teeth in steak

Won’t go without
meat which my sweet treat
Surely bean sprout
not been grown to eat?

What’s a slaughtered calf or cow
must we not all die somehow?

Too burdensome an act having to look up a fact?

Were we only wilful
but gotten pompous, prideful
(while albeit skillful)
supercilious, spiteful

Ignorance is far from bliss
When we stare in to the abyss
facing Death’s contagious kiss
affections gone gravely amiss

Still to look up all facts
applying logic, fairness
are such burdensome acts
risking tinged by awareness

Why be bothered taking time to reflect
when prefer to just accept or reject?

Not back to that normal!

What might just have been understood
had we learnt from history
(not been hoodwinked by Hollywood
or engaged in sophistry):

We must slow the back-to-normal urge
for were it even feasible
would be no solution, merely surge
something purely appeasable

As the erstwhile normal was the cause
for the Covid wake-up call, of course

Empty words galloping in wild herds

I’m tired of debating
even just discussing
discord turns deflating
finding all nonplussing

My words stream
yell & scream

Too many empty words
keep rattling along
galloping in wild herds
they just don’t belong

Worn out finding myself discordant
so pursuing where I’m concordant