Indulging lives silly

We stop & go & turn
for hours bumper to bumper
tempers flare as we churn
Minds melting, bodies plumper

Showing for others slight concern
for fear of us being scammed
Can’t learn from what we don’t discern
with hearts chilly & minds jammed

Thus we hide away in lives silly
taking dead-end paths willy-nilly

Slouches on couches?

Aren’t we obstinate slouches
when try hide from our deepest fears
on Life’s pillows & couches
where we’re sinking down to our ears?

Are we thoroughly deflated
or effectively effete
or only sadly stalemated
lacking courageous heartbeat?

Why not bravely pursue what’s life-giving
rather than consume mired in misgiving?

How shrillness electronic made stillness anachronic

Wondrous solace of stillness
eludes us without fail
when electronic shrillness
pierces through nature’s veil

Might one of those clueless clods
(who with such hapless abandon
plugs in their stylish ear pods)
find for Net surfing a stand-in?

How without stillness & solitude
shall we re-connect with rectitude?

The ‘blank check’ lenience we allow for our own convenience

We ignore stentorian warning:
Planetary life keeps crumbling
in depletion, pollution, warming
met by our evasive mumbling

We equivocate & grumble
just own convenience is heeded
Glaciers melt & earthquakes rumble
not taking steps urgently needed

Our children & theirs shall pay the price
if we won’t change habits, they’re doomed:
As rivers drain, temperatures rise
ending them too early entombed

But for us, for now, a small price to pay
for enjoying the American Way?

Not sticking around that itinerant clown

After settles the sawdust
found himself again nonplussed

As an itinerant clown
why should he be relied upon
to still be sticking around
after the circus is long gone?

If notably the after-sensation
turned out to be humiliation?


They’re stampeding, commands of ‘calm!’ unheeding

From their luxurious dreamboats
‘calm!’ commands they’re unheeding
elites scramble for the lifeboats
trampling us while stampeding

The elites perform by stealth
elsewhere they’ll disembark
with their self-entitled wealth
as per ‘me first’ hallmark

Those cold-hearted ‘point one percent’  flee first
for solidarity they have no thirst