The (car) crash

The moment after crashing
time seemingly stands still
“You are alive!” keeps flashing
in vertiginous thrill

Crashed by distracted blunder
as no one did contrive
Withstood a thrust through thunder
to find oneself alive!

Then rest of day oxygenated
in pain, dazed while exhilarated



It’s complicated!

Thus fades phrases in fashion. In 2017 when this verse was written the word ‘complicated’ was used a lot. Sometimes seemingly as an excuse not to address matters which were most simple.

Word ‘complicated’ is in fashion
hence lacking in restrain & ration

When someone says: “Hi, my name is Matt!
What’s yours?” Don’t feel obligated
say: “Can I get back to you on that?
it’s (majorly) complicated!”

That’s how to ace the coolest phrases
among those faddy fleeting crazes


While to own profits adherent

‘The Orange Ego Coddler’
in policy incoherent
A vainglorious toddler

The ‘Stable Genius’ despot
ignorant & feckless
How he spouts without respite
a Demagogue reckless!

He untiringly trumps up ‘tantrumps’
amidst golf at casino sanctums

-stable genius = Trump has self-diagnosed as an ‘extremely stable genius’
-tantrump = (license) tantrum by Trump

Opinions, short on sense, we airily dispense

True facts can’t grow or contract
Facts shall remain facts regardless
of wished-for outcome or tact
They are neither kind or heartless

Opinions are but opinions
oft self-serving, subjective
nothing but a claque of minions
milling around affective

Ain’t it these days to facts we take offense
while opinions we airily dispense?

No Camelot he or his lot

His looks sallow carotene
that shamelessly lying brawler
a sick psyche philistine
in pursuit of that next dollar

Utterly Orwellian
but that’s not by far all
a shameless chameleon
with heart and hands too small

Still those who got him elected
feel elated not dejected

Sleep turned dour

Asleep pain invades my hip
while cramp runs up a leg
in discomfort’s iron grip
does not avail to beg

In bed for too long a stretch
tossing, turning restless
At dawn getting up to kvetch
of hours which dragged endless!

During day I cower
fearful decrepit
of when tonight turns dour
can’t fake intrepid

Darling Dawn

Body tossed & thoughts churned
in agony, ache
Pleas for ‘peace of mind’ spurned
right until awake

slipping from darkness clutches
‘darling dawn’ embracing
Hobbling as if on crutches
nasty night replacing

whence day spent in flight
from last night’s bleak blight



Meet life’s fool, hubristic & often the victim

Be that as it may here’s to those of us who may be lacking in self-awareness. How & when shall we know? Well, here obviously lies the problem: Only after we acquire some self-awareness.

Meet Life’s Fool
thinks he’s cool
Such jewel
lets us drool

Sillily, grinning
he’s on a tear
“For sure, yeah, winning!”
confident cheer

He saunters, skipping
down the boardwalk:
“Who’s tripping, slipping
talk of cakewalk!”

Then walks on to the pier
thinks “No one hotter
I’m the guy to revere
walking on water!”

In Summer sun’s bright glare
all blindingly clear
embraced by fawning air
“I’m untouched by fear!”

“No way I’m compromising
got it all handled, thanks!”
His eyes fixed on horizon:
so he walks off the planks!

Wild curses from waves below
indignant voice in snort:
“How was I supposed to know?
Who built the pier too short?!”

Detouring in distraction

In our earthly lives cruelly bechanced
of unremitting suffering
we chase after stuff & fun romanced
as Reality buffering

How we race & rush
but does it really work
while we grin & gush
like if some clueless jerk?

Still we try detouring in distraction
which remains our major daily action!