Words unkempt preempt

Insisting on words distinct meaning

makes us viewed ‘opinionated’
But glossaries too overweening
& leave us intimidated!

Are words merely something we say?
So might as well be snappy
no need for syntax to obey
Let them roam free & happy!

Are words just something we utter
in verbose clutter & din?
Let them frivolously flutter
& cascade freed from chagrin?

Have words gotten just something we say?
Besides who are listening anyway?

Discourse stuck inchoate

In 2016 Hillary Clinton treated voters like neglected dogs, which even so should somehow be expected to happily wave their tails at her. After all one of her slogans mightily presumed: “It’s her turn!’. Some of these long suffering dogs bit her instead.

While low were voter expectations
So what? Been so for generations

Bleak, tawdry that election
discourse stuck inchoate
while she was the selection
of Israel, Kuwait

Worn people like soggy dogs
tails tween legs, buzzed by fleas
on muddy slippery slogs
shook off Hillary’s bees

Campaign’s debates were largely disingenuous
the candidate’s grip on Reality tenuous

USA: Unruly States of Anomie

Written originally just after the 2016 Trump & Pence election:

A Nation deeply embroiled
directionless & despoiled

Prez-elect narcissistic:
a bully chauvinistic
His VP pietistic:
prim, clean cut, jingoistic

In tawdry turmoil
they’re each other’s foil

In historic campaign brashest
nation’s figurehead now vile gargoyle
premonition neo-fascist
to which in cowardice we recoil

Entering frayed fantasy
we’re dragged into anomie!

-anomie = a state characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values
-foil = a person or thing that makes another seem better by contrast (although how could it work in this case?)
-gargoyle = an ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure of a person (though here perhaps a carved figure of a grotesque person?)

The sailor’s jailer

Below blown sea fowl
ship with ardor
tossed in storm’s howl
steers for harbor

Of shelter beseeching
to dock in snug port
though shore leave but fleeting
if crew doesn’t comport

So here’s your lonely life, sailor!
The open ocean: Your jailer!


What’s the scoop? Seems outside the scope for her to scoop

I just don’t like to stoop down
to place my dog’s fresh poop
(risking stains on hands or gown)
into a bag by scoop!

So I let it lie where left ad hoc
malodorous, right on the sidewalk

But my neighbors got it handled
as dog poop sticks bit like glue
When they get home (here I’m candid)
they just scrape it off their shoe

I allow my neighbors
to do me kind favors!

Democracy’s dying embers

We ‘commune’ by bumper stickers
and by thought-ending cliches
Feebly democracy flickers
in such debased a malaise

Ever sillier, who’d thought?
Uninformed we get out of sync
society’s bonds worn fraught
Civil discourse gone down the sink

Now in anomie mired
entertained on apps agile
In fantasy conspired
reality’s grip fragile

But what a way to go
when wishing not to know!

To all my ‘wants’ I’m entitle

To logic & hard facts
I’m recalcitrant
They may hinder my acts
when I gallivant

When finding pliable ‘facts’
I’m thus salivating
as they justify my acts
Aptly stimulating!

Civil or in brawl
I’m the victim
Watch me whine & bawl
here’s my dictum:

Between ‘wants’ & ‘needs’ little daylight
Furthermore I ain’t contrite, all right?

Don’t act deranged! What Climate Change?!

Winter rages bleak & cold
then merely click ‘unfriend’!
For Spring soon to burgeon bold
just click ‘like’ to impend!

Climate change talk we won’t brook
cannot by hoodwinked eye be seen
It lacks button on Facebook
anywhere in front of our screen!

What’s Fantasy and what’s Reality
long since blurred in Mainstream Media
Drenched in torrents of triviality
by enablers of Acedia

Unbeknownst benighted
watch us grin shortsighted

-acedia = not caring or not being concerned with one’s position or condition in the world