The celeb culture vicarious
we imitate in limp ballet
as our own talents but scarious
we ape in mawkish cabaret
A hapless homily
but no anomaly
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
The celeb culture vicarious
we imitate in limp ballet
as our own talents but scarious
we ape in mawkish cabaret
A hapless homily
but no anomaly
From those vapid repartees
please do deliver me!
None of them Life’s apogees
just annoying whoopee
So let’s not suffer such banter:
The ruckus & raves of the ranter
The meddling of the supplanter
trying out-cantillate the cantor
Those jarring voices just lessen & lambast
when I’d rather see quietude be amassed
Could have had solidarity
rather than indignity
engaged in jocularity
rather than malignity
Our Species is lost in denial
thinking we alone in control
but shows us up as suicidal
when created our own sinkhole
But Humans falling extinct
shall rejuvenate Earth
summed up here in phrase succinct:
Nature shall romp in mirth!
We keep suffering iniquity
by greedy ‘power elite’ blithe
Brutish plight predates antiquity
scythed powerless humans still writhe
Implacably each ‘people’s savior’
shall feel uniquely appointed
But let’s assess our own behavior:
We allow being exploited!
True change doesn’t somehow happen out there
but through risk filled action by ‘us’ here
Aren’t facts just too complicated, taking too much time & effort to uncover & verify? Do I need anyone to tell me what MY facts should be? Surely, fairer & easier for each of us just to make them up as we need them:
Read about them in the tabloids
plied by ‘anything goes’ hacks
Elsewhere commonly called factoids
dressed up as we need them ‘facts’
The Net thrills in profligacy
of excitement refulgent
Be it doubtful efficacy
enabling those indulgent
Who’s got guts to be resolute
sort out all that’s annoying
in these our sweet times dissolute
brimmed with the innate, cloying?
Hence we spill what pops into mind
as insight of reflected kind!
Does our watching those celebs
so wealthy & carefree
clear our drudgery’s cobwebs
thin out boredom’s debris?
Seen how, say, grocery clerks
carry on like show hosts
setting off verbal fireworks
with check-out line ripostes?
Do talk shows model us folks?
Or do talk shows inform
manipulate, joke & coax
us in how to perform?
… keeping up the banter in ubiquity
in a tiresome culture of obliquity
Unthinkingly the blowhard
old fogy and diehard
keeps chasing every canard
blown across his barnyard
He’s prone to swinging the axe
before checking out the facts
-canard = an unfounded rumor or story; a baseless, usually derogatory story or report
-facts = as in ‘factual evidence’ – to be ignored when perceived as standing in our way
When keen to propose a solution
our pitch splendidly articulated
with cliches in such crisp locution
by own idea intoxicated
But a fantasy cure-all
shiny but shortsighted
superficial with much gall
impotent, benighted
Hence just one more ‘pretend solution’
assured to fail in execution
Eyes locked on that Holy Grail
til death: Entertainment!
Gladly we’ll go off the rail
chasing its obtainment
Lessons dismissed, thus unlearned
Can’t pull back from the fray
repeated hangovers spurned!
So here’s another day:
to pursue that noble endeavor
of being entertained forever!
As nostalgia torments
in downpour mistfully
then anemoia augments
in dankness wistfully
Yearnings seize us listfully
churning in eerie whistle
Longings languish fistfully
pounce in zinging sizzle
But why to murky feelings abide
when today awaits saddled to ride?