Yet another bait & switch

The ‘One Nation Exceptional’
now resoundingly unmasked
while ‘Greatness’ just conceptional
still being pitched unabashed:

Ready for another bait & switch?
He’s prickly, prone to toddler fits
This time around plays in mega kitsch
short on manners, knowledge & wits

Howls in a hurricane of glitz
klutzy & shallow clamor
disingenuous repeat fits
A narcissistic scammer

A vainglorious con artist
from reality unhitched
Voters not informed or smartest
being too easily sales pitched!

Mindless consumer minions
though can’t be bothered with facts
entitled to their opinions
as propaganda distracts:

whether in The Beltway or backwoods
sadly they buy a sick bill of goods

-The Beltway = the Washington, DC power elite
-One Nation Exceptional:
“The United States has always been corrupt, savage and brutal. It has always been wildly dysfunctional and hypocritical. But now, thanks to a president-elect who is loudly ignorant and utterly devoid of impulse control the mask is off. The horrible truth about the United States can no longer be denied. Trump epitomizes truth in advertising. We’re a nasty, crappy country. President Trump suits us fine.” – Ted Rall

Slapping high-fives while our Species nosedives

BACK THEN those who resisted & bravely persisted:

For a ‘just vision’
they lost their jobs
landed in prison
beaten by mobs

Cruelly confined
gruesomely grilled
majorly maligned
some even killed

Still courageous & strong
stood against what was wrong


WHILE NOW in these splendid times:

Such actions quaint
would involve restraint
might make us faint
so favor complaint

Habitat we extirpate
while keep slapping high-five
from duties we abdicate
while Species takes nosedive!

What?! Slowing global warming
through ‘personal’ action?
Few, despite plenty warning
seem adjust one fraction

In these thrilling times ‘morality’
suffers high rate of mortality


Is searching for Reality the ultimate futility?

Do we dare search for ‘Reality’
certain that we do want it found?
Shan’t it be abject futility
in our culture fantasy gowned?

‘Reality’ has turned plurality
awash in all sorts inanities
Ain’t it then just fumbling futility
trying sort from among vanities?

Not being guided by what’s objective
we got lost in reams of dreams subjective

Rubber sword gladiators

Oh, what nonsense conferred
Claiming it is us who drive
while in backseat chauffeured
How we presume & connive!

We wobble gushingly inane
Us boorish bloviators
we hobble on presumption’s cane
rubber sword gladiators

We ignore contradiction
with our suavest diction
Our syntax dereliction
turns pureed affliction

Between reality and fiction
there’s absolute absence of friction

To the plight of others blind?

If ours not staunch frugality
(time out here for shocked gasping!)
but a stingy mentality
of plain greedily grasping

Aren’t we rather shark teethed & finned
of others plight coldly blind
oblivious, harsh or thick skinned
while to self indulgent kind?

So ingrained shall we comprehend
what is our life, lived to what end?

Years in arrears

Amidst glistening trees in morning mist
we’re feeling charged by auspicious jolt
as raises curtain on a new day kissed
but then to ruckus routine we bolt

Sadly short of heart, courage & mettle
jostled toward bodily demise
for ’security’ we strive to settle
but unattainable, so unwise

Days drafting days in life’s waning years
A few cheers, then we’re out on our ears

Turmoil at 3 a.m.

At night phantasmagorias churning
suppress one, others proliferate
Fitfully asleep tossing & turning
worries pack punches, regurgitate

The petty & inane astound
like stuck inside a theme park
By heels, face down on grimy ground
dragged around in fog & dark

At last: Morning’s first light gets me reprieved
awake, sweat drenched, elated and relieved

Ignominy of the consumer economy

Why don’t we even begin to care
when stumbling around on rubble?
We cannot of action be aware
while mired in fantasy’s bubble!

Why is it our unstoppable quest
while the planet keeps on fading
to soil our irreplaceable nest
and to still keep right on raiding?

Such is the ubiquitous ignominy
of the hapless consumer economy

Losing subtlety, jest and flirtation

Consumer electronics, what impatience
be they alarms, smart phones, pads or scanners!
Where went subtlety, flirtation, elation
as well courtesy, humor & manners?

Outpouring in relentless profusion
steeped in undiscerning commotion
Suspended in a Land of Illusion
pounding away in self promotion

High time now to disengage with forethought
as fear being changed in to a robot!

In denial we act like a wriggling eel in tap dance spiel

Try bring up that with which we won’t deal
we’ll turn slippery like a wriggling eel
disingenuous with zany zeal
skipping away in a fierce tap dance spiel

Try mention what we won’t hear or face
we’ll spout anger quite invective
putting the messenger in their place
unguarded, jaws clenched, reactive

We’re shouting ‘arguments’ deflective
reasoning flawed & defective
then retreat in silence rejective
stuck, adamantly protective